Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas K2 더 케이투 - Drama Platters ` K2 더 케이투 - Drama Platters `

K2 더 케이투

September 07, 2016

We have a new drama starting called K2 .
It will air on September 23, 2016 -- Fri & Sat 20:00
2 episodes a week

The Cast 

Song Yoon-ah
Ji Chang-woo
Jo Seong-ha
Lee Jeong-jin
Lee Yae-eun

Kim Je-Ha (Ji Chang-Wook) is former solider for hire. He is also called K2. He is hired as a bodyguard by Choi Yoo-Jin (Song Yoon-A). Choi Yoo-Jin is the wife of a presidential candidate (Cho Seong-Ha) and the daughter from a chaebol family. Meanwhile, Ko An-Na (Yoona) is the secret daughter of the presidential hopeful. She is also a recluse.
