Finally we got to see the wedding scenes from 5th July lol Seung Jae will put putting the ring on the bride :))) ...
Hola México, espero que hayas disfrutado de tenerme como invitado, me encantó México, espero verte pronto :) Todo lo mejor, tuyo fielmente Ko Seung Jae Hola México, espero que hayas disfrutado de tenerme como invitado, me encantó México, espero verte pronto :) Todo lo mejor, tuyo fielmente Ko Seung Jae ...
Hola, me gustaría presentarme, Mi nombre es Seung Jae y soy de Corea. Encantado de conocerlos a todos. Estoy aquí para la boda de mi tío ... ...
Ko Seung Jae & Jasper Liu Seung Jae #DokoIsland & #Taiwan adventures, he hasn't yet met Hyung #JasperLiu, so it'll be most possibly in next weeks episode SJ is such a clever boy that he even surprised the soldiers guarding the island with his Dokdo Island question :)) ...
Seung Jae the boy who doesn't want to eat shrimps in #DokIsland and wants to release one to the sea so that the crab can meet his friends & family in the sea :) Ji Yong used his acting skills telling Seung Jae that shrimp bite him, but his son is too smart :))) He starts crying at the end :( oh...
Seung Jae's first idol baby sitter :) Cuteness overload #JasperLiu He's SJ first idol baby sitter, he never had an idol who babysit him.. Seung Jae warmly greeted his Samchon #你好 #Nǐhǎo and said #谢谢 #Xièxiè ...
Ladies Let me Introduce you Scarlet Heart 2028 cast, he's auditioning right now.. So The gentleman who'll be Prince Wang So in 2028 version is...... ...
Ji Yong & Seung Jae has guests & they're staying in this week :) #KoJiYong #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #KoSeungJae #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #LeeSiAn #이시안 #시안 #대박이 #HurYangim #Daebak #Daebakie #LeeSiAn #이시안 #SiAn #시안 #대박이 #Sianie #5siblings #fivesibling #LeeJaesi #LeeJaeah #LeeSeolah #LeeSuah #LeeSujin #LeeDongGook #이동국 #LeeSooJin #GoSeungJae #GoJiYong Pretty Hands but whose hands is this? ...
This week we had a chance to see Seung Jae is going on a date with Alice, if you are wondering how Seung Jae met his noona, just watch this episode to refresh your memories. ...