` The Thorn Birds Ep 1 Recap - Drama Platters `

The Thorn Birds Ep 1 Recap

September 06, 2016

The Thorn Birds

I love watching Asian Dramas..  I do not really watch them in order, I read the summaries if I like it I watch so some of the dramas are old while some are new..

I have finished watching this drama a couple of weeks ago but I decided to rewatch, now everything makes sense to me. 

The first two episodes are very important to understand the drama better..  

In Ep 1 We see SJE (Seo Jung Eun) rehearsing, HYK (Han Yoo Kyung) is hiding at the corner and watching her..  

The Thorn Birds

When the director asks her to ignore the camera and talk about herself she starts to talk about herself, the director says like we do not know who SJE is, It’s been 7 years, what had she been doing and why did she showed up now? She tells the director that she’s been working and appeared in small roles.

The Thorn Birds

CKW (Choi Kang Woo) LJE’s (Lee Young Jo) cuz now the director, asks SJE  Why did a promising actress disappeared all of a sudden ? What exactly happened back you then? 

After this scene we see CKW (Choi Kang Woo) & LYJ talking, CKW tells LYJ that HYK is with SJE right now. 

The Thorn Birds

We see two old friends talking in an office, SJE  asks HYK so you are the producer of this movie?She adds that HYK done an impressive job..  HYK replies it is all other ppl’s money, now it’s the start, and she finds it shocking that SJE is still in this business. 

She tells (HYK) to SJE thought you ran away,  SJE says it happened that way. 

In a horrid way HYK tells SJE it looks like that director SKW called her SJE he still could not forget about her.

HYK adds that she wagered her life into this movie, she just can not she just can not cast anyone, SJE adds that she’s already been established short role actress.

HYK adds if that problem is revealed it would be inconvenient
SJE says she understands and takes her bag and attempts to go out, but HYK asks what happened to that child? SJE says she does not know either. 

HYK asks to SJE you promised to keep an eye on her, SJE says what can I do, living was so urgent that I could not do that. 

After this we see SJE going down the stairs in such a bad situation, the same time while she was going down the escalators LJY is climbing up, LYJ sees her but SJE does not see him.

Also we see that HYK is watching her from the corridors as she was going down the escalators 

Now we are going back to 7 years ago, flashbacks starts..

We see people in amphitheatre kids are doing a performance, and one of them is recording so SJE is performing HYK is recording her performance

Young SJE & HYK carefully checking around making sure that there is no one around.

We see that SJE is trying to reach out some keys while the other one is holding out the torch for her, we can see that SJE & HYK were good friend than. 

SJE is trying to open some locked drawers, She’s looking out for adoption papers, but it’s empty, her ma signed contract to relinquish the rights & to say farewell. 

HJE says there should be a name or a number at that time a teacher comes in asks who is there.. 

They ask the teacher to reveal SJE’s mother’s details but the teacher refuses, she tells them when it right time comes her mother will reveal herself to her.

The teacher asks her to put herself in her mothers shoes, she tells her that her ma might be married with another man had kids with that guy and if she was her would she want her past to be revealed, that put SJE into tears. She can’t understand why her ma puts her into adoption.

SJE tells HYK that her ma will be angry with her bec she’s late home.. 

HYK tells SJE that her ma is not bothered with her these days that her dad and ma might get a divorce. 

She adds that it’s OK even if they get a divorce they are still a family. 

With all her cuteness and innocence she tells SJE that she’ll find her ma through the police. 

SJE tells HYK if she wants her to show HYK smth? HYK asks what is it? SJE tells her that it’s her mothers photo.. ( SJE’s mother) 

Here comes the important part..  keep this on your mind to understand our drama better..   

SJE pulls out her wallet and takes out a photo, shows it to HYK asking pretty is not she? HYK says hang on, she is the movie actress Lee  Ae Ri is not she?  She asks what is it? SJE says it’s just a wishful thinking, she wishes LAR is her mother. She adds that he mother’s face should look like LAR, she also adds that when she was in kindergarten she fooled the kids that LAR is her mother. Way back than SJE did not know that LAR is a famous actress. Even though she knows that LAR is not her mother she wanted to call her ma.  

HYK asks SJE if she really wants to become an actress in the future she nods her head.. 

SJE wants to become famous and finds her mother.  

HYK offers SJE to make a video to reveal to SJE’s ma in the future..

Now it is starting HYK is filming SJE, her movie letter to her ma..  She thanks to her ma for giving birth to her…  

When SJE saying good bye to her at the bus stop we see HYK is getting into bus as young LYJ is coming out of the bus, and when he was turning into one direction he accidentally hits SJE….

HYK is laughing and making a heart with her hands..  

After this we see young LYJ walking in streets, at the corner another young guy is sitting and now tag (as in children’s game) LYJ is running the street gang look a like kid is running after him calling his name hey Young Joo, Lee Young Joo, the same moment SJE is also in the street walking to the orphanage but during this tagging time, one of them hit to her and she falls off to the snowy street.

LYJ gives him money and asks him to go away, but the kid says do you think I am a beggar?

 LYJ wants him to get lost..   Opps just at that time SJE gets into scene and asks the gang to leave LYJ alone …  

“Oh stupid girl you are always gonna protect him like a guardian angel, but he will hurt you, so run while you got a chance..   “

So he says (the street gang) I had enough for today and calls him brother..  

You getting it.. 

LYJ asks Why SJE is out late at night and asks her if she is not scared of being alone as young girl out in the streets late at night?

She says she’s not afraid at all.  She adds she not a kid..   

LYJ asks her where she lives and she says down there..  and attempt like she’s going home but hides somewhere to watch LYJ, she’s already fallen in love with LYJ.. 

Later on in the morning while going to school she shred it with HYK that LYJ offered her to take her home but she refused…

(Back than they were bbf and she shared it with her friend.. she’s always gonna be like this gonna share everything with anyone she does not know how to keep a secret)

So while SJE & HYK walking down the street she says his house must be somewhere here, as he disappeared around somewhere in the street

HYK teases SJE that if she is looking forward to see LYJ :))  she got it before you even got it my girl.. Love is all around you..  

As they were teasing each other and running of the streets we see a black Mercedes is approaching, we can hear the horn and our two bbf screamed the same time.  

SJE lost her balance and fell off, the driver murmurs why two are running off the street. 

We see LAR getting off the car,  SJE & HYK were surprised, she asks if they are OK and if they need to go to hospital.  SJE says she is OK she does not need to go to hospital but asks for an autograph. 

SJE takes out her youth (LAR) photo from her wallet and gives it to her for her autograph,  LAR says this was from long time ago..  

The driver says madam lets go going, LAR (Lee Ae Rin) asks for her name and touches her chin saying that she’s got such a good friend. 

They were really happy to see LAR and get her autograph.  

Here we see LYJ again climbing up the stairs in the street. 

He goes into a big house, we can see that LAR is also in the same house from her rhinestoned heels. 

LAR is talking to LYJ’s grandad..  

Grandad is telling LAR if you are an actress stay in acting, and he adds what do you know that you are putting your hands into movie production?

Director asks the grand dad ( LYJ’s) if he can buy the company grandad replies do u want me to take over your debts?  even begs to grandad to take over the debts and even tells him that you are the one who created LAR but this does not change his mind.

Later on both LAR and director sees LYJ and tells him young master you should go and study abroad like your older brother..  So we also learned that LYJ has an older brother.

LYJ replies that he has no plans of studying abroad yet..  

Director says it’ll be hard for him to go abroad while his ma is still here, LAR warns him by calling his name Mr. Choi.

So he  (LYJ) still does not know that his mother is alive..   

Mr Choi does what he not suppose to the and reveals if he (LYJ) still thinks that if his ma passed away..  .   

LAR paused she’s speechless and she nods that’s it’s better for them to  leave. 

While LYJ is in shock, Mr Choi asks LYJ to pretend like he never heard this topic. 

LYJ tries to run after the car by shouting ahjussi!! but he kept on driving..   

LAR asks Mr Choi not to get involved with her life again…

Well yes here the writer’s are trying to give the impression that LAR is his mother…. 

LYJ enters the house and calls his his granddad, grandad asks him if he likes movies, he adds that he is the one who is going to run the business in the future…

But LYJ asks the grandad if she’s alive and adds that he has told him she was dead..

When everyone pauses, LYJ understands that his ma is still alive, of course grand dad understands who is behind it by calling Choi Jung Dal, that punk…

 LYJ asks grandad why did he lied to him about this subj?grand dad warns him to be quiet..

He tells him that he is the one who is going to look after the family after he dies..

he is asking where his mum is? 

he tells him he is better without his mum.. 

Grand dad asks the lady ( LYJ ’s step mother) at home to prepare his stuff and send him to Young Gook.

He ( grand dad ) tells him as long as he lives under him not to mention about his mum ever again…

LYJ asks his step mother please? She turns him and asks do you know the condition I agreed to register you under my name? ( another evil bitch here)

She adds that she does not have to worry about anything and asks him to live peacefully. 

So here are 2 BBF at the police station…  Funny enough HYK is speaking for her and telling the police lady that SJE is looking for her mother..  

The lady police officer tells them that they will give her a call as soon as they find out..  She just have to wait…

We see LAR walking and there she saw LYJ and he is asking about his mother, she says yes I know about your mother, that we spent our miserable youth together.. 

I used to sell tickets outside the theatre and she used to work at the eatery, carrying a child on her back..  She adds that they were poor at that time ( LAR & LYJ’s mother) 

SO he is asking are you saying that there was another child besides me?

LAR says yes, she was a widow with a child..  

Poor LYJ having the shock of his life..

LAR adds that she set up a house with a married man, knowing he was already married.. 

She also adds that she was not under the condition to make a choice, she also mentions that she is the one who gave birth to him and she was probably happy for few years… 

She mentions that his father got cancer and pass away soon after this incident. 

She tells him that she once saw his mother at his dad’s funeral and that was it she does not know anything more nor she she ever saw his mother… 

LAR asks him if he still wants to meet his mother the woman who threw away her child (look who's talking) 

She says even animals do not throw away their child.   

LYJ says Ajumma how could you speak like that when you do not know the whole story… 

So LYJ tells her (LAR) that she must have own reasons by doing that.. 

LAR asks him are you telling me that everyone has their own reasons to do such thing? She also tells him that this an unforgivable reason…

She tells him that those are so called mothers that does not work..  

LAR says a mother is still a mother no reasons or excuses will work…  ( humm she is right here but than again look who is talking )

we can she that she’s in tears while telling LYJ these words, she is in a way talking about herself..

She tells LYJ that those things are not even human beings. She tells him to forget about his mother…

While he was walking in the street with being unhappy upset, & with mixed emotions, he saw the gangster eating noodles at a van..

At that minute we have a flashback, The street gangster telling him, “ How many years do I have to tell you for you to understand I told you that I am your older brother kid” another flashback saying If you are going to be brat like this, you’ll regret it later when you realise who I am..

And LAR’s words are echoing in his brain Yes, she was a widow with a child… 

Baamm 2 + 2 = 4 You got it …  Arasso.. 

He (LYJ) goes and attacks his older brother, LYJ asks his older brother Chincha Are you really my older brother? 

He says he can not tell him, the woman who gave birth to both of them have fingers that sting.. 

LYJ says Arasso let’s have a go at it today… 

LYJ starts to punch his bro..  

After two brothers punched each other , the police cars has arrived.

Big brother not happy by the police arriving , he starts to threaten his brother that he’s going to die..  

LYJ starts to shout Ahjussi…  

Poor LYJ I am feeling sorry for him…   

Three different people both are orphans in away..   

They got their ma but their ma threw them away…. 

At the police station we have LYJ whose lip & brows’s bleeding, needs stitching.  His brother is no different than him, LYJ’s brother is trying to tell the police that it was not him who started the arguements and fights this time..  

But the police does not believe him.. The police is asking him that are you telling me that this student is the one who started it with a street gangster? ( If you cry wolf all the time, nobody will believe you when you're actually telling the truth./Nobody believes anything a habitual liar says)

The Police is asking him that he heard he ripped of  money from LJY last time. 

The police asks them to come to a settlement. 

LJY did not want to come to settlement he asks his guardian to come to the police station. The bro says he prefers to be in a cell rather than dragged from the police station by his mother. 

Our main lady SJE  is in love with LYJ since mid school. Since the day she rescued him while he was fighting with his brother in the streets at midnight..   while LYJ at the police station SJE  was trying to get information about her mother once more, (what sort of a twist of fate is this, each time they bump each other either in the streets or at the police station? In a city like Seoul like no place left either police station or streets, that is way over being coincidence)  ran after his (LYJ’s ) mother at the police station 

LJY brothers asks him if he is doing this to see his mother? 

While he is inside the police station, SJE arrived to the police station with her red bike.. 

She has a big smile on her face, she goes and uses the phone box out side the police station. She calls Yoo Kyung telling her that she thinks they find details about her mother..   She looks really happy.. She says she is very nervous and asks her to call her back when she can..   YK says she wishes that she could company her but she’ll come as soon as school finishes..  

SJE approaches to the lady police officer, telling her that she came down to the station as she was contacted. 

The Police asks her if she is SJE? SJE asks if they have find her mother, The police officer says the person who gave birth to her asked them to kept her identity to be kept secret.  ( what a disappointment for her, she was really hoping to find her mother ) the lady adds that as her mother asked them to keep her identity hidden they can not tell her anything without asking her permission? 

( Right ahem I do not get this part, If the mother requested her identity to be kept secret it means no one can reach her details not even the police, so how comes the police knows who her mother is and telling SJE that they need to get her mother’s permission before they can reveal her identity to her daughter? why giving hopes to this little girl ) 

SJE asks but I am her daughter not just anyone, the police lady seems upset a bit disappointed maybe feeling a bit sorry for her..

SJE asks if her mother did not want to reveal her ID? The lady tells her that she must have her own reasons. 

SJE says her orphanage is really nice, that she’s living fine. she desperately asks for a name or for a number..

She asks can not you even spare me that? The Police lady tells her that she’ll try again and give her a call back. 

She tells SJE that go and wait at the orphanage while she’s trying one more time and she’s not even sure if her mother is at home..  So when she sees the disappointment at her face, she tells her to wait.. She means to wait outside 

While she was sitting outside we see that LYJ mother arrived to the police station asking for the detective quarter..

His mother calls Park Han Soo LYJ’s half brother..  

PHS tells LYJ that “she’s here, your mom”

PHS’s mother goes and gives him a couple of slaps tells him why do not you just drop dead, will you?

She adds that how old are you? why are you still going around and getting into fights? ..  ( Nah he will never change.. the child is father of the man ) 

PHS asks his mother to stop hitting him.. She says that it’s her son who looks like who’s badly injured..

The police says since you are here, LYJ is going to dismiss it..

The Police asks them to leave.  

( How could someone can not recognise the kid they gave birth to that’s another story )

PHS asks her mother Miss Kim why do not you calm down and say hello?

Mother says What? 

LYJ mother’s younger son..   

I believe PHS is a bit jealous of LYJ 
 (why you getting jealous of your brother, you are the one at least having a mother but poor SJY got only an old grandfather and he’s been told his mother passed away) 

PHS tells his mother that he is not the one who said it first..  He adds that the little rascal used his brain and had us end up here referring to the police station. 

He adds that LYJ is very vicious, we can see the look on Miss K’s face she seems surprised that her son found her out..

LJY asks her why did she do it..

he says all along I thought You had passed away..  

LYJ asks why did she do it? adds that if she is that much scared of grand dad.   

She says I took money from him under the condition that I’d never see you referring to  ( LJY)he set up a beauty salon for me.  She adds that if she forfeit the agreement he (grand dad ) would take her beauty saloon from her 

He adds over a mere thread like that? She adds that being raised as a young master has led you to believe that the world is so easy.. She added that his father was the same and died like that.  That moment we see SJE coming out the Police Station looking at LJY and Miss Kim out of curiosity 

She hides to a corner and starts to listen the conversation in between LJY & Miss Kim.  

( Girl I believe told none told you that curiosity kills the cat ) 

Miss Kim tells LJY that they are ppl who are no use to you what so ever. 

She adds lets say we never met..  

she warns LJY when he goes home not to squeak out about this incident.. and adds let’s live our lives like that.  

LJY pulls from his mothers arms, he’s trying to not to let her go, (he misses his mother so much, not easy having a mother but thinking that she’s death, he needs the love of a mother, no-one can replace the love of a mother..  )

He is crying and asking his mother if money is really important. Is money more important than her own son? 

LJY asks her if she knows how he’s been living in that house? 

He adds that none behaves him like an human..   

Miss K pulls her arm out, and tells him to bear with..   

She tells him you have seen your brother if you had grown up in my care you’d be like him too. 

( it is just she is trying to make him to hate her )

SJE is in tears, she shouts after Miss Kim, she says how could a person be like this. she asks what kind of mother could do this to her own child? 

She says is not he your son? he’s been looking for you?

He’s tall and smart but he is still little.  

Miss Kim asks SJE who she is?
SJE replies me ? I am just a kid without a mom.  SJE says go and had his hand at the least. She adds you speak nicely about things,  how could you say such a thing? 

Miss K replies Nicely? If only speaking nicely  could? 

SJE says he could understand than…

Miss K replies why do you say he could understand than?

(Gosh my baby for how long you are going to clean up & protect him?)

SJE goes back into police station and she sees the police officer lady who previously tried to help her, she says “Excuse Me” The Police lady puts her head down, SJE asks if she does not want to talk, adds she does  not even let you to tell me her name or where she lives? Police Officer lady can not answer and she feels sorry for her.  

SJE is crying while she is sitting in on on raw chairs at the P.S 

A passing police officer gives her a look, as if why she is crying, he could not understand the reason. He stops and asks what’s wrong? Are you crying? 
Did you come alone? 
Where is your guardian ? 
I am talking about your mom? 
She cries ma ma ma..  

And on the other chair we see LYJ is sitting his head is down, his head is full of thoughts. 

The other police officer asks if she is still there? and the other office who just asked where her guardian is this time he asks what happened to her to the other police officer? 

The lady says she was trying to find her mother but her birth mother wouldn’t meet her..  (If you are not going to look after why you giving birth )

LJY nods what?

She finally stops crying and makes an attempt to go out the police station. 

LJY asks SJE if she is hungry ? 

We see them in the market ordering two festive soup noodles later on.. 

SJE says she does not like freebies…

LYJ replies it’s not a freebie…

LYJ tells her you saved me right? 
SJE humms eee 
i was beaten by a gangster and you saved me right? 
SJE asks how does a student even know about this place??
He says his grand dad ran a business here long time ago.. 

LYJ says kamsahamnida and they get eating.  

(I so ship these young LYJ & SJE…  I even find a perfect song for the young couple And I love her by Beatles..  ) 

He asks if she is cold, she answers Aniyo I am not cold at all. 
she says I do do not resend my ma either..  So do not hate her too much either..  ( there is definitely a Pollyanna inside her 

LYJ says what?SJE says you’ll only torture yourself 

LYJ says what do you know for a little kid?
SJE answers it is not me The director , no the grandma says this.. When you feel sad, lonely or wronged 
When you dwell on those feelings, bad seeds will grow inside you and become thorns 

LYJ says what did you say? SJE tells him it is the grandma who tells them ( the kids in the orphanage) when they do bad things.. 

Aigoo, your hearts become infected by thorns.  

LYJ asks her so than when you were sobbing earlier bad seeds spreading inside you and they become thorns? Since you cried for an hour those thorns must have grown as big as trees

SJE asks LYJ if he was staying near her side the whole hour?

SJE says but why would that happen? I have a guardian angel?

LYJ : What??
SJE? A guardian Angel

( I do not know who is whose guardian angel?? my girl watch out the words coming out of your mouth. this man is gonna cause a lot of heart strings. .   and how old are you? you are already deeply in love with this guy,,  When he grows up he is going to be a handsome guy and he is going to do idiot silly mistakes..  but in the end wait and see )

When I am suffering it melts all the thorns inside me..  

( SJE are you sure all the thorns or he melts your entire heart / body & soul, you are in trouble my girl ) 

SJE says komawo 

LYJ says there is nothing you can not says, LYJ says lets hurry go home now little kiddo..  

She gets angry when LJY calls her little kiddo.. She says one day I’ll become curvy sexy woman too.  do not call me little kiddo. 

( wash your mouth with a soap how do you know about being sexy at that age he ) 

LYJ says have all the sexies got married? so then you’d be considered sexy..   

(hum  is that a sort of proposal for future?)

When LYJ said come on lets go going, she picked her pager from her pocket and said it’s too late do you know any public phones somewhere and she starts to dial a no..

While she is on the phone LYJ buys her a red scarf, 

He offers to go back together but she says no my friend is waiting for me.  

LYJ tells her next week a good movie coming out, Wanna go?

She shakes her head as a yes.. 

LYJ is very happy and smiling..   they said up a date for next thursday 5 pm the same place.  

So since the day she (SJE) met LYJ she is acting like she is his guardian angel.  

(Ah my girl I really hoped that you two would heal each other, you two would be healer for your wounds..   But your Ajussi is an idiot, what do I do……).  

We see HYK sitting in a burger place waiting for SJE to come 
we see that she’s getting distributed by few guys in the burger place, 

She got distributed and goes outside, but hey do not live her alone outside aswell, meanwhile while SJE coming to the burger place with her bike she fells off the bike 

HYK gets attack by the guys in the burger place, and SJE is still not around, they took her bag and look inside. 

Just when she was looking around she hears HYK’s screams 

When those gangs about to attack SJE as well, 3 guys saw the gangs and the gangsters ran off. 

they went to the hospital quickly, the cleaned her wounds and discharge her.. 

She tells her that SJY bought her a bowl of soup and he ate with her.. 

( you crazy girl why u share this, she’s gonna get your boy in the future  ) 

SJE apologises for being late, and she says if she had not been late, this would not happen. HYK says It’s fine.. 

HYK asks how did it go at the police staton ? Did they find your ma’s contact info? But SJE’s head down 

HYK asks if SJE would like to sleep at her place tonight.  

They go to HYK’s place..  

The place is so untidy..   

They witnessed a phone call between her mother & another person, HYK’s mother was saying she no longer can look after her.. She tells the woman on the phone that she raised her like her own all this time., but she can;t do it anymore. 
She says she’s about to be in the streets and she still needs to raise her daughter * referring to the lady on the phone. 

HYK says Mom..   Meanwhile ma is still on the phone telling the lady that her daughter just learned everything..

HYK’s mother asks her what happened to your face..   

HYK’s mum to HYK you..   What happened to your face ( she is still caring for HYK )
Did you get hurt? 
HYK asks what are you talking about?
HYK mums Right, It’s all over now..  I do not even have the energy to keep the secret..  

HYK;s mother says your mother is someone else, 

HYK still calls her ma, (HYK’s mother) She says do not call me like that..  HYK still says Ma, 

HYK’s mother you have never imagined it, huh?  (she’s been horrid here to HYK)

HYK’s mother I did everything I could do for you.   Even that bastard took money from your real mother and lost it all.  I really, sincerely did my utmost.

Yes true, the woman who gave birth to you give us money in exchange to raise you secretly, you understand, 

But that bastard is setting up a house with some other wench now… 

Got all the money stolen, can’t you see I’m dying here….

DO I really have to keep you with me after all this?

The mother who gave birth to you is living so mighty and so well?

Why should I?

She still says Mom.   (HYK)

HYK’s mother to SJE Hey you, you live in the orphanage right?  That’s good than take her there..  

HYK runs after her she says don’t be like that but she pushes HYK and she fells off, 
SJE says I suppose to sleep over here tonight. let’s….

HYK asks her to go..  

SJE still trying to be kind but HYK being rude and tells her to get lost.  

(This part is also important to understand the drama better in the upcoming episodes, this also plays an important role in her character and her future behaviours)

We are now seeing LAR drinking Soju all by herself. 

LAR is crying like a Banshee now..  

Now LYJ is out in the streets with his head down.  He’s holding the red scarf he bought for SJE.. 

We are back to HYK and her foster mother, she is sleeping with her and hugging her..  

Back in school, girls are pointing out HYK saying it’s her… She got beaten by the gangsters..

( Girls are so evil at that age )

On of the class mate’s are calling SJE and telling her that she’s being transferred out.. 

She says What? Why? 

Girls reply back do not you know? rumours are all around the school.. 

What rumours SJE replies? 

Girls are asking she’s your best of buddy don’t you know about anything.  

Another girl adds last week she was assulted by those gangs..

SJE says it is not a being deal, she just got a hurt a little, nothing serious..  

Another girl says but she was dragged to hospital..  

SJE says yes she was dragged to hospital but..
When SJE turns around she sees HYJ, HYJ slaps SJE in the class, tells her that she’s so giddy and spreading it all around..  ( she’s talking about the assault)

She tells why do not you broadcast it…. tell them even the color of their shirts

She blames SJE for the assault, that she was waiting for her and while she was waiting for SJE, SJE was having soup with a boy she does not even know..  ( now this was harsh..  )

SJE says Biane..  ( sorry) 

HYJ says I am so pitiful are not I? You sure would b itching to tell everyone..  SJE asks her what she’s talking about

HYJ says that she got thrown away soon after she’s born that she’s the dummy ppl took money and look after her all this  time..   She’s being mean and asks to go and spread the rumours.  She says SJE is a curse in her life, and she’s being transferred to another school.. She asks her to act like she does not know her, she does not even want to bump her in the streets
She says do not appear infront of me until the day I die.. 

(a small misunderstanding changes everything and from that second bbf’s become sworn enemies..   and also changes influences their future)

Back to the day Where LYJ & SJE gonna have their first date, we see that LYJ is waiting while holding the red neck scarf, SJE seems completely forgotten about it. When she remembered he was not there, LYJ is in the neighbourhood looking for her…

After this we see him at the airport.. heading to USA he’s wearing the red scarf he bought for SJE 

( oh my baby. I feel you ) 

Airports either there for farewell or a warm welcome.. One way or the other..  

While this is happening we see SJE in the street and just that time we see a big airplane flying 

10 years later….

We see SJE entering to a big building she is looking around a bit in a silly way..

We see adult sexy hot handsome LJY !!!!! LYJ coming out and calling her name SJE (they do not  remmeber eachother ) and look at this coincidence that  HYK is also at the reception..  

So she says yes its me,  He says I am LJY with a big smile on his face what was it that you wanted to speak to me? 

SJE asks him do you know Yang Mi Ryun right?

He says I do not..  

She gets angry here..

He says just tell me why you are here..    

She gets even more angry and gives him a nice slap.. )

( Oh Good Girl lol take your revenge from now to the things he’s gonna do to you in the future lol)

  ( well done one more slap for me please for being the jerk of the century )

End of Episode 1..  

See you in a couple of days with Ep 2 ..   
