Game Rai Game Rak
June 04, 2017
Saichon is an islander living on Min island. One day, the destiny leads him to find Fahlada, a 17 years old girl lying unconscious on the beach. When she wakes up, he realizes that she loses her memories. Saichon takes care of her and names her Nang Fah (angel). They fall in love with each other and lives together.
One day, Chompooprae, Fahlada's sister saw her sister's picture in the tourist magazine, so she sends people to take Fahlada back. Saichon is very sorry and has to take care of his baby alone on the island. Fahlada gets treatment until she regains her memories, but she loses her memories about Saichon, her baby and everything during the time that she is missing. Chompooprae lies to her sister and doesn't tell her anything about Min island.
One day, Mami, a girl who falls in love with Saichon tells Saichon to run away because someone is sent to kill him and steal his baby. Saichon has no choice, so he asks for help from an American millionaire who he has ever saved his life. This millionaire adopts Saichon as his son.
Couple of years later, Saichon comes back from America to take care of the airline company in Thailand. He meets Chompooprae because she's a business partner. Chompooprae falls in love with him at first sight.. Saichon is surprised and very glad when he meets Fahlada again. However, he is very hurt and angry because Fahlada doesn't remember him at all.
Saichon is angry at Chompooprae because she's the person who separates Fahlada from him, tries to kill him and steal his son and ruins his family. He's also angry at Fahlada because he thinks that she intends to forget him. So, he starts to revenge them.
Needless to say that Yaya & Nadech has a great on screen chemistry.
There are rumours that they are real life couple but they are neither denying nor accepting it :) leaving this to our imagination.
Yaya & Nadech
Kimberley & Mark Prin
those guys are a great both on screen and off screen lol
Fahlada found unconscious by Saichon, he looks after her, treats her, villagers accepts her as their own, because Fahlada has no past memories about who she's. I have no idea what sort of amnesia it is but she acts and behaves like a mentally retarded, idiot, she has only lost her memories.. There are few examples of this idiotic behaviours in the drama, such as when one of the ladies was expecting she wanted know what's pregancy and she told that she wants to be pregnant, and one of the guys teased her that they can help her to get pregnant, she was nearly believing them.
Saichon names her, Nang Fah, they got married and when you just think that they'll be happy, Fahlada's adopted sister sends men after her when she learnt that she's on the island, they shoot Saichon and took Fahalada away, after her fiance examines Fahlada the first thing she asked if her sis is pregnant or not.. Because if she is pregnant she can't get the money all the money would go to Fahlada, Saichon and their baby.
Like in April Star / Star April - Women of the Sun we have an evil adopted sister (Prae) who never liked her sister and always jealous of her, she seriously plays the caring sister in front of her fiance and others but her main aim is to get Fahlada's money as she lost her own to another woman who had shares in her hotel, she eventually got them back by using Fahlada's money.
If they ever make Thai version of that drama I nominate this actress
Now her eyes are on her money.
so we got to see how their love started up to episode 5.
After that episode things are go mad.
When Fahlada wakes up in the hospital she still has the memories of the Island and her husband, she wanted go, tried to escape but she's been forcefully given drugs. not only drugs but electroshock.. which is really painful
I don't think that sis feeling genuinely feeling sorry for one second...
So Fahlada is in the hospital going through all sorts of problems, Saichon is the village heavily wounded.
she's gone all the horrid therapy's to regain her memory but this caused her to forget about her life on the island and Saichon
Charles & Fahlada are on the island working on the advertisement, he's hoping at least it will bring back some memories, meanwhile in Bangkok sister's fiance proposed to her ( this girl's character is pretty much though not as extreme as the sister on The Women of Sun / Star April - April Starr pretty much similar, she doesn't love the fiance but she's with because of his social status)
Fahlada had another flashback on the 2nd skinship when they were on the island :))
She still has dreams about the island, about Saichon / Charles
The evil sista Prae calls her to check her out and appears like she's worried ( her main reason is to learn what those 2 are up to, we can see the jealousy on her face when Fahlada tells her that Charles is treating her well)
When she's back in Bangkok Fahalada tells her sister Charles bought a dress and a necklace for her,
the sister wondered why he gave her a necklace and while thinking she kept playing with her ring and eventually her engagement ring fell of from and she picked up the ring, she literally threw the ring to the drawer ( she's so disrespectful, I hope doctor fiance will leave her for good in the future)
The stupid cuz Plernta is now assistant of the secretary. she's that stupid that she can't even use a photocopy machine.
Fahlada is playing herself w/o knowing in the advertisement, she looks breathtaking
Evil sista Prae is even more jealous after seeing the skinship between the Fahlada & Charles, meanwhile it's only her who saw them, the idiot cuz Plernta's mother auntie also saw them...
Out of jealousy the evil sista Prae even checks Charles's phone and see Fahlada photos lol, she's gone even more mental....
Let's wait and see the tricks she's gonna play on Charles & Fahlada. Though Charles won't believe all but some...
Sista dresses up in white and wearing a flower on her head, as well as wearing the blue necklace that belongs to her sister, to woo Charles, but it looks like Charles is only interested in where she got the necklace.. hahaha
It's now obvious that sis wants Charles for herself, while she has a handsome doctor fiancee..
The problem is while they are on the island they have the risk of bumping into the evil friend Yasa, he might tell his real id ( who really Charles is ) to the evil sista Prae he might kidnap Fahlada again, bla bla bla..
The sister is too much, after the aunt mixed drugs into his drink, he got really drunk and taken to his room, so she offered the other ppl she'd to take care of Charles. She tries to kiss him but he called Fah's name
let's see what's gonna happen until episode 20...
So now the evil sis Prae and the evil friend Yasa saw each other in the hotel, she acted like she doesn't know him..
that's not good at all, so they are gonna play games to break the couple again..
So they sailed to sea, and the evil sista Prae fell down to the sea and acted like she can't swim, so Charles jumped and saved her, when they go to the ground, when she was giving him a passionate look doctor fiance saw this, Charles said don't misunderstand please, but doctor is not stupid plus his fiance's body language reveals everything
Fahalada went to her brother in law to be for an examination, he said she might have a crush on Charles and he shared this with his fiance, that's not good he breaks patient doctor confidentiality
The sister not knowing that Charles's real identity, when Charles said I love Fah, she said my sister has an islander husband, we brought her here and had a shock therapy, she doesn't remmeber anything about time she spend on the island, it's me and my fiance only
Charles said I don't care about her past, and this made sister even more crazy because as we all know she wants Charles all by herself.
Things are going up down the hill, the evil friend Yasa saw Charles in the company as the evil sista Prae dropped her wallet when they were together
Now Fahalada avoids Charles. That evil friend Yasa returns the wallet to evil sista Prae , now two evils got together more hard days are waiting Charles & Fah.
Unlike sis the evil friend Yasa is clever and he guessed that she fell in love with Charles, that's why she asked him to find Fah's husband..
The sister is making her jealousy more obvious now, Charles gave a call to Fah that he's going back to US bec his dad had a heart attack, sis is making this big deal as he called Fah instead of her.
The evil friend Yasa came into the Fah's home and telling Fah he's his wife.
The doctor fiance told this to the evil sista Prae, but instead of getting worried she says how do you know he's not psycho.
Seriously if I was that Doctor I'd have already left her, break the engagement.
Fah asks the evil ista if she knows anything about the island, Sis says Fah, but Fah wants to learn the truth, ofcourse she's not gonna tell her the truth..
She tells that yes she got married in the island but ppl had bad intentions and lied and deceived her. If ever doctor fiancee wakes up from the dreamland everything will go ok..
I feel sorry for Fahala because she's been deceived all the time, and not knowingly Doctor fiance is in it aswell.
Now the evil sista Prae is in cooperation with the evil friend Yasa , She gave money to the other evil guy telling him that he did a great job ( so from this we understood that sister send him to Fah to tell her that he's her husband) she's sure that by doing this Fah is gonna go away and Charles will be hers.
He's stalking Fah with the orders of sis, Fah offered money to him he accepted.
The evil friend Yasa found Charles and said Fah is going to start a brand new life, that made him angry
Charles went to Fah and found her tickets, he asked where she's going, she said she's going back to USA. Charles forcefully kissed her, Fah struggled a bit and she let it go ( we can't call this a rape really ) bec as he was kissing she remembered the time in the island
In the morning when Charles wakes up, he was alone in bed, she tells Charles that the thing happend last night I think I gave alms to a dog. She says you raped me am I your wife? She asked him to get out of her house.
Fan changes her mind, she no longer wants to go to USA, sister is even more angry now..
Doctor brother in law is clever, when she asked him to go for a lunch she ate little and doc said you didn't much is it related with you changing your mind not going to USA but she avoids answering.
Sis's playing her games on Charles, Charles's gonna play with her.
When Fah get into her house, Charles was already inside, he said it's not good for a wife to keep her hubby waiting like this lol.
She took a baseball bait, he said he's going to trick her and back hugged her, now James is like a bull very angry and now he certainly believes that Fah is remembering everything but acting like she doesn't
Charles forcefully kisses her, she doesn't struggle but she cries, as Charles kisses her.
Charles sees P with the doctor brother in law and he's extremely jealous...
Now even the house keepers understood that evil sista Prae is jealous of Fah and she loves Charles, but doc is still blind.
hahah now doc is using the jealous term, but his fiancee denies it,
He finally tells her it looks like you love someone else, I wanted marry because of love not because of my goodness.
Charles & Fah gone for sightseeing, hopefully this will help Fah at least she'll understand that he genuinely loves her
They really had some romantic time together.
Evil sister Prae is even more jealous after eavesdropping, she forces Fah to tell her that she was with Charles.
She asked if she seduced Charles, (What's got to do with you, you have your own fiance!!!)
Doc fiance again tells evil sister ( Prae) that she can't hide her own feeling for Charles but she accused him for lying, and she blames him having a crush on Pah, she breaks up from fiance even before fiancee tells her to break up..
Doctor fiancee was nearly making a traffic accident, hopefully now he got it that Prae the evil witch never loved him, she only used him for social status.
Prae tells Pah that Charles loves her not her. She asks her why Pah is wearing Charles's stuff??
Fae visits her fiance to give back the engagement ring. She still accuses him loving being in love with Fah. He wants a chance from Fae, I seriously suspect from this guy's IQ..
Charles went to see Fae, saying eating alone is not very nice, Pah saw them together. Housemaids noticed Pah didn't take her medicines
Pah tells her sister that dr is not well, she wants to take care of him.
The evil sista Fae and the idiot cousin Plernta got into fight for Charles, Charles told Plernta he never loved her, she is now crying, hopefully it's Fae's turn pretty soon...
I seriously ship Plernta and the secretary lol
Finally Fae admits that she only brought back Pah for the inheritance, she said I only got a house and business from the family.
I seriously want to know what's gonna trigger Fah's memories on the island..
ahhaah Now sister tells Fah that she's pregnant.
Fah being in the hospital she started to have more vivid dreams about the time she spend on the island now she actually saw Saichon's face
Now Charles / Saichon finds the friend from the min island with her help he learnt the truth about Fah, that she really doesn't remember anything.
Now he feels guilty of what he had done to Fah
Now he know it's because of Yasa, because he was so angry and that anger blinded him that much that he couldn't see the truth.
Now the sister Fae hid Fah somewhere and forcing Charles to marry her that's how she'll tell him where Fah is.
Finally doctor is revealing the truth to Fah, that the guy who claimed to be her husband is hired by Fae, she's not pregnant, and Charles was formerly Saichon from the island, he and the girl Nag Fang got married, NF sister send men to take her away and that NF is you Fah.
Fah is in shock can't believe what doc is saying, but also the other girl from the island confirmed what doctor said. Doc said after she came back from the island she cried so much to go back to island, no matter what treatment I gave you, your condition didn't get any better. So Prae & I decided to give you electroshock therapy and when you woke up all your memories of the island are gone. When she asked why none told me about this? Doc said because Yasa the evil friend told us your husband is a bad person so I & Prae hid it from you.
Doc says Charles never had an affair with Prae, it was all Prae's lies. He adds that Prae forces Charles to get married to trade with your safety.
Let's see what'll happen when two sisters face each other.
Now Fae says I stake your life in order to marry Charles, that wrench asks her sister Fah go give C to her..
Charles is taking Fah to the island so she could remmeber everything. I bet it'll be the last minute right!!
When they are arriving to the island she saw the beach hut that she dreamt of.
She started ask questions to Charles like where did they get married, I guess it's a start.
Hhaha Charles told her when she was not conscious she used to behave like a kid, she used to bath naked with him, and wants to sleep with him haah
Now she can't believe what she has done at that time : p
Now the evil sista has got no one left and she goes to the doc fiance again....
Again evil 받받받받받😠 👿 sista played her game and learnt where Charles & F is.
Charles called the doc said Fae used Yasa to kidnap F..
Doc went to Fae's house and told her that you again used to me learn where C & F is and again sister acted like she doesn't know anything
But doctor waited all day at her doorstep and in the morning he drive off and wait Fae to drive where she's hiding Fah
Doc followed her and find where they are keeping her, he called Charles, he also arrived to the palace where they are keeping F, and his secretary calls the police.
While fighting with Yasa Charles accidentally shoots Yasa, and Yasa shoots Fah, he tries to shoot police officers, but police officers takes him down...
Well end of ep 20 she still has no memories. I call it her memories not gonna come back unless if we have a last minute surprise
Fah is hospitalized but docs wanted them to mentally prepare themselves for the worst. Charles is crying by her bedside, telling her not to leave him...
Evil sista visits ma & dad's grave asks for forgiveness...
Charles quite sharp though when it comes to others, he understood that his secretary has a crush on the cuz lol..
So secretary goes to tell his love to the cuz but words doesn't come out of his mouth.. but he finally managed. The aunt accepted him and asked him to come inside to have some water lol.
Fah still unconscious in the hospital
While she's sleeping lots of things happening in drama world, C's friend from the island pursuing the guy who has a crush on Fah, secretary is dating cuz 😸😸😸😸
When Fah wakes up she finds Charles, hugging her in bed. Her sister asks for forgiveness, and gets it!! 💢💢💢💢

Charles is still worried that F not gonna remmeber him, but doc said take it easy..
F finally discharged from hospital and wants to go to sea, where their love started, she's been taken there by doc and sis.
Doc offers to Prae to help Fah to remmeber her times on the island, as Charles might lose his patience
Charles found F and he asked why did you run away from me again.
Well she still doesn't remember anything, but she is wearing the necklace, Charles said I don't care if you remember me or not, we can make new memories, he asks if she loves him, and her answer is can't he see if she loves him or not 💓💓💓
She pointed the necklace and he's a happy 🐰🐰🐰🐰
so at the end she promised that she'll never run away from him even for a day...
Mint is a good actress but they always put her as the evil friend, crazy girl who is inlove with the main girl's boy etc etc when she was playing with Yaya & Kim, I think after this time if they make her good friend in any of Kim & Yaya drama, we wouldn't really believe her character.
But she has some other dramas she's playing the good girl as a 2nd - 3rd female lead.
If you want to watch the drama
You can either watch it here the resolution is really low on this link but you'll get the watch it full w/o being divided into parts, sorry the vids were removed on the other site.
*I can't use my own photos as the resolution was really low*
Needless to say that Yaya & Nadech has a great on screen chemistry.
There are rumours that they are real life couple but they are neither denying nor accepting it :) leaving this to our imagination.
Yaya & Nadech
Kimberley & Mark Prin
those guys are a great both on screen and off screen lol
Fahlada found unconscious by Saichon, he looks after her, treats her, villagers accepts her as their own, because Fahlada has no past memories about who she's. I have no idea what sort of amnesia it is but she acts and behaves like a mentally retarded, idiot, she has only lost her memories.. There are few examples of this idiotic behaviours in the drama, such as when one of the ladies was expecting she wanted know what's pregancy and she told that she wants to be pregnant, and one of the guys teased her that they can help her to get pregnant, she was nearly believing them.
Saichon names her, Nang Fah, they got married and when you just think that they'll be happy, Fahlada's adopted sister sends men after her when she learnt that she's on the island, they shoot Saichon and took Fahalada away, after her fiance examines Fahlada the first thing she asked if her sis is pregnant or not.. Because if she is pregnant she can't get the money all the money would go to Fahlada, Saichon and their baby.
Like in April Star / Star April - Women of the Sun we have an evil adopted sister (Prae) who never liked her sister and always jealous of her, she seriously plays the caring sister in front of her fiance and others but her main aim is to get Fahlada's money as she lost her own to another woman who had shares in her hotel, she eventually got them back by using Fahlada's money.
If they ever make Thai version of that drama I nominate this actress
Now her eyes are on her money.
After that episode things are go mad.
When Fahlada wakes up in the hospital she still has the memories of the Island and her husband, she wanted go, tried to escape but she's been forcefully given drugs. not only drugs but electroshock.. which is really painful
I don't think that sis feeling genuinely feeling sorry for one second...
So Fahlada is in the hospital going through all sorts of problems, Saichon is the village heavily wounded.
she's gone all the horrid therapy's to regain her memory but this caused her to forget about her life on the island and Saichon
Saichon goes off the island to look for his wife but he saw Sahat (the guy who helped the evil sister's man (Prae) and also he had an eye on Fahlada, he was jealous of Saichon because Fahalada loves him and chose him to marry)
On the return Saichon rescues an American Tourist and heals him.
He offers him to take him to USA with him, he didn't want to go at first but finally agrees to go to USA with him and adopts him, so 3 years later he's back to Bangkok as Charles business partner of the evil sister (Prae)
Do I need to mention that he looks hot as Charles
His secretary mentions that Prae seemed interested in him, maybe he'll have a gf this time :D
nay nay nay, his eyes still sees and his heart is only with one girl.
Their first meet up :) in the traffic, he recognized her immediately but she has no memories of the time she spend on the island...
So he follows her car with his car immediately,he starts to look for her, when he couldn't find her he thinks he's mistaken.
Yet we got to see another drama cliche here, they were nearly face to face but he didn't see her she went for another direction, he went to the opposite..
Yes the evil sis Prae already set her eyes on Charles :D she invited him for a dinner :)) so when she's having dinner with Charles her fiance arrives (Portrayed by Thanawat Wattanaputi I think he reminds me of Wallace Chung) so she introduces Dr. Wattana as her sister's doctor not as her fiance, the fiance is shocked by this.. She also avoids physical contact with her fiance during the dinner time.
So our guys bumped each other the 2nd time while jogging, so they both lose their balance and fell of as they literally come head to head :D Now Charles having a chance to look at his wife closer, but unfortunately she has no memories of the time she spent with him, and obviously he doesn't know that, he thinks she's doing it on purpose..
She's trying to understand while talking to her friend that Charles was so confident that he knows me but everyone is telling her lies that he is a mad hatter, and he's wrong, don't go there for jogging ( I wonder when is she going to start to remmeber the time on the island or is she gonna fall in love with him w/o remembering anything, yes she had dreams about him and the island previously but we still don't know.. ⁇
After meeting the sis and doc fiance, and after the jogging incident he had some flashbacks of the evil friend Yasa telling him that she went with her sister, and evil sister's (Prae) fiance telling him that he's a brain and neuro surgeon, he started to have some doubts.
So he has a video chat with a doctor, and asks him about the incident, so he now knows that she had a electroshock therapy, she gained her memories back but due to this she has forgotten her memories, the secretary asks him if he had known her before, he told the secretary that she's his wife 💗
so now he's determined to make her remember back him 👍👍👍👍
So their 3rd time was at her house, she mistaken him as a stalker and chased with an umbrella 🌂 🌂
thank god sister came just in time
He's gonna use his wife as a model on their airlines advertising 😼
Come on girl before your sis snatches him from you, do smth 😼
When they had their first accidental skinship, she had a flashback so its a sign :)
His cousin Plernta caused them hard times, she eventually asked if she was his gf... He said no, I can't love any one anymore, because my heart has an owner, oh poor honey was disappointed... No need sweetie, his 💓 belongs to you...
His secretary mentions that Prae seemed interested in him, maybe he'll have a gf this time :D
nay nay nay, his eyes still sees and his heart is only with one girl.
Their first meet up :) in the traffic, he recognized her immediately but she has no memories of the time she spend on the island...
So he follows her car with his car immediately,he starts to look for her, when he couldn't find her he thinks he's mistaken.
Yet we got to see another drama cliche here, they were nearly face to face but he didn't see her she went for another direction, he went to the opposite..
Yes the evil sis Prae already set her eyes on Charles :D she invited him for a dinner :)) so when she's having dinner with Charles her fiance arrives (Portrayed by Thanawat Wattanaputi I think he reminds me of Wallace Chung) so she introduces Dr. Wattana as her sister's doctor not as her fiance, the fiance is shocked by this.. She also avoids physical contact with her fiance during the dinner time.
So our guys bumped each other the 2nd time while jogging, so they both lose their balance and fell of as they literally come head to head :D Now Charles having a chance to look at his wife closer, but unfortunately she has no memories of the time she spent with him, and obviously he doesn't know that, he thinks she's doing it on purpose..
She's trying to understand while talking to her friend that Charles was so confident that he knows me but everyone is telling her lies that he is a mad hatter, and he's wrong, don't go there for jogging ( I wonder when is she going to start to remmeber the time on the island or is she gonna fall in love with him w/o remembering anything, yes she had dreams about him and the island previously but we still don't know.. ⁇
After meeting the sis and doc fiance, and after the jogging incident he had some flashbacks of the evil friend Yasa telling him that she went with her sister, and evil sister's (Prae) fiance telling him that he's a brain and neuro surgeon, he started to have some doubts.
So he has a video chat with a doctor, and asks him about the incident, so he now knows that she had a electroshock therapy, she gained her memories back but due to this she has forgotten her memories, the secretary asks him if he had known her before, he told the secretary that she's his wife 💗
so now he's determined to make her remember back him 👍👍👍👍
So their 3rd time was at her house, she mistaken him as a stalker and chased with an umbrella 🌂 🌂
thank god sister came just in time
He's gonna use his wife as a model on their airlines advertising 😼
Come on girl before your sis snatches him from you, do smth 😼
When they had their first accidental skinship, she had a flashback so its a sign :)
His cousin Plernta caused them hard times, she eventually asked if she was his gf... He said no, I can't love any one anymore, because my heart has an owner, oh poor honey was disappointed... No need sweetie, his 💓 belongs to you...
Charles & Fahlada are on the island working on the advertisement, he's hoping at least it will bring back some memories, meanwhile in Bangkok sister's fiance proposed to her ( this girl's character is pretty much though not as extreme as the sister on The Women of Sun / Star April - April Starr pretty much similar, she doesn't love the fiance but she's with because of his social status)
Fahlada had another flashback on the 2nd skinship when they were on the island :))
She still has dreams about the island, about Saichon / Charles
The evil sista Prae calls her to check her out and appears like she's worried ( her main reason is to learn what those 2 are up to, we can see the jealousy on her face when Fahlada tells her that Charles is treating her well)
When she's back in Bangkok Fahalada tells her sister Charles bought a dress and a necklace for her,
the sister wondered why he gave her a necklace and while thinking she kept playing with her ring and eventually her engagement ring fell of from and she picked up the ring, she literally threw the ring to the drawer ( she's so disrespectful, I hope doctor fiance will leave her for good in the future)
The stupid cuz Plernta is now assistant of the secretary. she's that stupid that she can't even use a photocopy machine.
Fahlada is playing herself w/o knowing in the advertisement, she looks breathtaking
Evil sista Prae is even more jealous after seeing the skinship between the Fahlada & Charles, meanwhile it's only her who saw them, the idiot cuz Plernta's mother auntie also saw them...
Out of jealousy the evil sista Prae even checks Charles's phone and see Fahlada photos lol, she's gone even more mental....
Let's wait and see the tricks she's gonna play on Charles & Fahlada. Though Charles won't believe all but some...
Director offers Charles to play the lead in the ad, and he accepted it :D 🕺🕺🕺🕺
(You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeenWhile they were on the island doctor fiance calls the evil (Prae) but she scolded him.. God, doc please get rid of this woman
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, digging the Dancing Queen)
Sista dresses up in white and wearing a flower on her head, as well as wearing the blue necklace that belongs to her sister, to woo Charles, but it looks like Charles is only interested in where she got the necklace.. hahaha
It's now obvious that sis wants Charles for herself, while she has a handsome doctor fiancee..
The problem is while they are on the island they have the risk of bumping into the evil friend Yasa, he might tell his real id ( who really Charles is ) to the evil sista Prae he might kidnap Fahlada again, bla bla bla..
The sister is too much, after the aunt mixed drugs into his drink, he got really drunk and taken to his room, so she offered the other ppl she'd to take care of Charles. She tries to kiss him but he called Fah's name
let's see what's gonna happen until episode 20...
So now the evil sis Prae and the evil friend Yasa saw each other in the hotel, she acted like she doesn't know him..
that's not good at all, so they are gonna play games to break the couple again..
So they sailed to sea, and the evil sista Prae fell down to the sea and acted like she can't swim, so Charles jumped and saved her, when they go to the ground, when she was giving him a passionate look doctor fiance saw this, Charles said don't misunderstand please, but doctor is not stupid plus his fiance's body language reveals everything
Fahalada went to her brother in law to be for an examination, he said she might have a crush on Charles and he shared this with his fiance, that's not good he breaks patient doctor confidentiality
The sister not knowing that Charles's real identity, when Charles said I love Fah, she said my sister has an islander husband, we brought her here and had a shock therapy, she doesn't remmeber anything about time she spend on the island, it's me and my fiance only
Charles said I don't care about her past, and this made sister even more crazy because as we all know she wants Charles all by herself.
Things are going up down the hill, the evil friend Yasa saw Charles in the company as the evil sista Prae dropped her wallet when they were together
Now Fahalada avoids Charles. That evil friend Yasa returns the wallet to evil sista Prae , now two evils got together more hard days are waiting Charles & Fah.
Unlike sis the evil friend Yasa is clever and he guessed that she fell in love with Charles, that's why she asked him to find Fah's husband..
The sister is making her jealousy more obvious now, Charles gave a call to Fah that he's going back to US bec his dad had a heart attack, sis is making this big deal as he called Fah instead of her.
The evil friend Yasa came into the Fah's home and telling Fah he's his wife.
The doctor fiance told this to the evil sista Prae, but instead of getting worried she says how do you know he's not psycho.
Seriously if I was that Doctor I'd have already left her, break the engagement.
Fah asks the evil ista if she knows anything about the island, Sis says Fah, but Fah wants to learn the truth, ofcourse she's not gonna tell her the truth..
She tells that yes she got married in the island but ppl had bad intentions and lied and deceived her. If ever doctor fiancee wakes up from the dreamland everything will go ok..
I feel sorry for Fahala because she's been deceived all the time, and not knowingly Doctor fiance is in it aswell.
Now the evil sista Prae is in cooperation with the evil friend Yasa , She gave money to the other evil guy telling him that he did a great job ( so from this we understood that sister send him to Fah to tell her that he's her husband) she's sure that by doing this Fah is gonna go away and Charles will be hers.
He's stalking Fah with the orders of sis, Fah offered money to him he accepted.
The evil friend Yasa found Charles and said Fah is going to start a brand new life, that made him angry
Charles went to Fah and found her tickets, he asked where she's going, she said she's going back to USA. Charles forcefully kissed her, Fah struggled a bit and she let it go ( we can't call this a rape really ) bec as he was kissing she remembered the time in the island
In the morning when Charles wakes up, he was alone in bed, she tells Charles that the thing happend last night I think I gave alms to a dog. She says you raped me am I your wife? She asked him to get out of her house.
Fan changes her mind, she no longer wants to go to USA, sister is even more angry now..
Doctor brother in law is clever, when she asked him to go for a lunch she ate little and doc said you didn't much is it related with you changing your mind not going to USA but she avoids answering.
Sis's playing her games on Charles, Charles's gonna play with her.
When Fah get into her house, Charles was already inside, he said it's not good for a wife to keep her hubby waiting like this lol.
She took a baseball bait, he said he's going to trick her and back hugged her, now James is like a bull very angry and now he certainly believes that Fah is remembering everything but acting like she doesn't
Charles forcefully kisses her, she doesn't struggle but she cries, as Charles kisses her.
Charles sees P with the doctor brother in law and he's extremely jealous...
Now even the house keepers understood that evil sista Prae is jealous of Fah and she loves Charles, but doc is still blind.
hahah now doc is using the jealous term, but his fiancee denies it,
He finally tells her it looks like you love someone else, I wanted marry because of love not because of my goodness.
Charles & Fah gone for sightseeing, hopefully this will help Fah at least she'll understand that he genuinely loves her
They really had some romantic time together.
Evil sister Prae is even more jealous after eavesdropping, she forces Fah to tell her that she was with Charles.
She asked if she seduced Charles, (What's got to do with you, you have your own fiance!!!)
Doc fiance again tells evil sister ( Prae) that she can't hide her own feeling for Charles but she accused him for lying, and she blames him having a crush on Pah, she breaks up from fiance even before fiancee tells her to break up..
Doctor fiancee was nearly making a traffic accident, hopefully now he got it that Prae the evil witch never loved him, she only used him for social status.
Prae tells Pah that Charles loves her not her. She asks her why Pah is wearing Charles's stuff??
Fae visits her fiance to give back the engagement ring. She still accuses him loving being in love with Fah. He wants a chance from Fae, I seriously suspect from this guy's IQ..
Charles went to see Fae, saying eating alone is not very nice, Pah saw them together. Housemaids noticed Pah didn't take her medicines
Pah tells her sister that dr is not well, she wants to take care of him.
The evil sista Fae and the idiot cousin Plernta got into fight for Charles, Charles told Plernta he never loved her, she is now crying, hopefully it's Fae's turn pretty soon...
I seriously ship Plernta and the secretary lol
Finally Fae admits that she only brought back Pah for the inheritance, she said I only got a house and business from the family.
I seriously want to know what's gonna trigger Fah's memories on the island..
ahhaah Now sister tells Fah that she's pregnant.
Fah being in the hospital she started to have more vivid dreams about the time she spend on the island now she actually saw Saichon's face
Now Charles / Saichon finds the friend from the min island with her help he learnt the truth about Fah, that she really doesn't remember anything.
Now he feels guilty of what he had done to Fah
Now he know it's because of Yasa, because he was so angry and that anger blinded him that much that he couldn't see the truth.
Now the sister Fae hid Fah somewhere and forcing Charles to marry her that's how she'll tell him where Fah is.
Finally doctor is revealing the truth to Fah, that the guy who claimed to be her husband is hired by Fae, she's not pregnant, and Charles was formerly Saichon from the island, he and the girl Nag Fang got married, NF sister send men to take her away and that NF is you Fah.
Fah is in shock can't believe what doc is saying, but also the other girl from the island confirmed what doctor said. Doc said after she came back from the island she cried so much to go back to island, no matter what treatment I gave you, your condition didn't get any better. So Prae & I decided to give you electroshock therapy and when you woke up all your memories of the island are gone. When she asked why none told me about this? Doc said because Yasa the evil friend told us your husband is a bad person so I & Prae hid it from you.
Doc says Charles never had an affair with Prae, it was all Prae's lies. He adds that Prae forces Charles to get married to trade with your safety.
Let's see what'll happen when two sisters face each other.
Now Fae says I stake your life in order to marry Charles, that wrench asks her sister Fah go give C to her..
Charles is taking Fah to the island so she could remmeber everything. I bet it'll be the last minute right!!
When they are arriving to the island she saw the beach hut that she dreamt of.
She started ask questions to Charles like where did they get married, I guess it's a start.
Hhaha Charles told her when she was not conscious she used to behave like a kid, she used to bath naked with him, and wants to sleep with him haah
Now she can't believe what she has done at that time : p
Now the evil sista has got no one left and she goes to the doc fiance again....
Again evil 받받받받받😠 👿 sista played her game and learnt where Charles & F is.
Charles called the doc said Fae used Yasa to kidnap F..
Doc went to Fae's house and told her that you again used to me learn where C & F is and again sister acted like she doesn't know anything
But doctor waited all day at her doorstep and in the morning he drive off and wait Fae to drive where she's hiding Fah
Doc followed her and find where they are keeping her, he called Charles, he also arrived to the palace where they are keeping F, and his secretary calls the police.
While fighting with Yasa Charles accidentally shoots Yasa, and Yasa shoots Fah, he tries to shoot police officers, but police officers takes him down...
Well end of ep 20 she still has no memories. I call it her memories not gonna come back unless if we have a last minute surprise
Fah is hospitalized but docs wanted them to mentally prepare themselves for the worst. Charles is crying by her bedside, telling her not to leave him...
Evil sista visits ma & dad's grave asks for forgiveness...
Charles quite sharp though when it comes to others, he understood that his secretary has a crush on the cuz lol..
So secretary goes to tell his love to the cuz but words doesn't come out of his mouth.. but he finally managed. The aunt accepted him and asked him to come inside to have some water lol.
Fah still unconscious in the hospital
While she's sleeping lots of things happening in drama world, C's friend from the island pursuing the guy who has a crush on Fah, secretary is dating cuz 😸😸😸😸
When Fah wakes up she finds Charles, hugging her in bed. Her sister asks for forgiveness, and gets it!! 💢💢💢💢
Charles is still worried that F not gonna remmeber him, but doc said take it easy..
F finally discharged from hospital and wants to go to sea, where their love started, she's been taken there by doc and sis.
Doc offers to Prae to help Fah to remmeber her times on the island, as Charles might lose his patience
Charles found F and he asked why did you run away from me again.
Well she still doesn't remember anything, but she is wearing the necklace, Charles said I don't care if you remember me or not, we can make new memories, he asks if she loves him, and her answer is can't he see if she loves him or not 💓💓💓
She pointed the necklace and he's a happy 🐰🐰🐰🐰
so at the end she promised that she'll never run away from him even for a day...
Mint is a good actress but they always put her as the evil friend, crazy girl who is inlove with the main girl's boy etc etc when she was playing with Yaya & Kim, I think after this time if they make her good friend in any of Kim & Yaya drama, we wouldn't really believe her character.
But she has some other dramas she's playing the good girl as a 2nd - 3rd female lead.
If you want to watch the drama
*I can't use my own photos as the resolution was really low*
Chotika Wongwilas
Nadech Kugimiya
Natwara Wongwasana
Nimsakul Pidsanu
Sperbund Urassaya
Thai Lakorn
Thanawat Wattanaputi