Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas The Year of Happiness and Love Review - Drama Platters ` The Year of Happiness and Love Review - Drama Platters `

The Year of Happiness and Love Review

October 03, 2016

This one was on my watch list for such a long time, but it is one of the hard to find dramas to watch, finally I spotted this on Netflix UK and finished it in 3 days...

I know few of the actors & actress from their previous dramas, this is the first Yang Weber drama I have seen.

Let me warn you before I start to post my recaps, this not an ideal typical drama, It 's based on a book, so it follows the book and based on Jiang Chen Bo's failures etc

Jiang Chen Bo (James Wen) is the typical loser: He is not fashionable or charming and has no money, girlfriend or respect. Then, an out of the blue promotion changes his world. Suddenly, he becomes the beacon to his father's rather uneventful life, the love bridge between his elite boss and his innocent younger sister, the moneytree for his gold-digging lover. However, things that come easily, go easily. The news of him quitting his job caused his lover to leave him, his father to have a stroke, and his sister to break off contact with his ex-boss. He tries to come up with plans to make everything better, only to have them backfire on him. But, family is always there to help him pick up the pieces.
I am amazed by Amber Kuo's acting, It is hard to play a woman in her 20's who falls in love to her brother's boss and after their break up, as a result of PTSD, having amnesia not even remembering her own parents or brother, having the mentality of 6 year old kid for almost 9 months until having another trauma and gaining back all her memories. 
In this drama you can live the four seasons all together. 
I do recommend you make your Kleenex tissues ready at least a couple of packs from Ep 20 (Netflix) everything starts to go upside down from E20.. 
This was such an intense and deep love that I could not stop but crying  
I will do the recaps soon, I will not ignore like I ignored the Thorn Birds.. just keep your eyes peeled. :))
