Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Legend of the Phoenix Warriors - Drama Platters ` Legend of the Phoenix Warriors - Drama Platters `

Legend of the Phoenix Warriors

December 02, 2016

Legend of the Phoenix Warriors 

Phoenix Star, due to excessive armed destruction of the ecological, into a glacier. Joan of Saints season with energy stone, "Tears" escape, by the national division ghost Jiao and half human and semi-mechanical Jiao Tong pursuit, fled to another blue planet. This is the Wei and Jin Dynasties after the split between the North and South, this night put different light, Phoenix appears, Wu Guangbao from heaven, is the "supreme treasure", who can be unified north and south Indiana. Liang Wang Xiao Yu hunting, seasonal soft mulberry, scared to Heaven, and gave birth to five sons Xiao Fengqing. Season Sophie to escape ghost Jiao tracking, suspended animation to sleep, the "days of tears" to a five-year-old girl drowning Miao flourishing. Twenty years later Miao flourishing was Daughter, fell to the river after Liang Guo Rui Wang Fengqing rescued, "Tears" reproduction, so that his body's energy to enhance. Miao Qianqian renamed Nie Warriors into the beam, and the Xiaoshi brothers started triangular sisterhood. Ghost Jiao lurking Qi, the control of high ocean brother and sister, want to regain the days of tears, the earth energy sucked away. Nie unparalleled inspired by the saint, with their own love, sacrifice their lives, to prevent this disaster


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