Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Drama Platters: 봉시하 Drama Platters: 봉시하

Bong Tae Gyu And Si Ha introducing themselves to neighbourhood

#봉태규 April 17, 2018
Bong Tae Gyu And Si Ha introducing themselves to neighbourhood   Bong Tae Gyu got 70 out of 100 from the hairdresser for cutting Si Ha's hair :)) #BongTaeGyu #봉태규 #봉시하 #BongSiHa #시하 ...

Bong Tae Gyu And Si Ha's first appearance

Bong Si Ha April 17, 2018
Bong Tae Gyu And Si Ha's first appearance hope we'll see you more Si Ha... and this unnie is sorry she thought you're a girl when she saw you playing with tea sets, with your cute smile and fringy hair.. (should have listen to my hubby he told me he's a boy and I told him no when did you see a boy...