Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Father & Son Dong Gook's Wearing Matching Outfits - Drama Platters ` Father & Son Dong Gook's Wearing Matching Outfits - Drama Platters `

Father & Son Dong Gook's Wearing Matching Outfits

April 19, 2018

Dad is having #JohnTravolta hair style what about Sianie??? And again Appa Dong Gook is trolling his son?


 #Daebakie #LeeSiAn #이시안 #SiAn #시안 #대박이 #Sianie #5siblings #fivesibling #LeeJaesi #LeeJaeah #LeeSeolah #LeeSuah #LeeDongGook #이동국슈퍼맨이
