Breathe in Breathe out Seung Jae, count to 10, I'm getting angry.... but yet appa doesn't yet understand.. ...
Ko Seung Jae & Jasper Liu Seung Jae #DokoIsland & #Taiwan adventures, he hasn't yet met Hyung #JasperLiu, so it'll be most possibly in next weeks episode SJ is such a clever boy that he even surprised the soldiers guarding the island with his Dokdo Island question :)) ...
Seung Jae's first idol baby sitter :) Cuteness overload #JasperLiu He's SJ first idol baby sitter, he never had an idol who babysit him.. Seung Jae warmly greeted his Samchon #你好 #Nǐhǎo and said #谢谢 #Xièxiè ...
#JoJungchi #조정치 #ChoiJungin #최정 (they were in #WGM #Wegotmarried) & their cutie daughter #Bandal #EunYi #JoJungchi #조정치 #ChoiJungin #최정 (they were in #WGM #Wegotmarried) & their cutie daughter #Bandal #EunYi ...
This week we had a chance to see Seung Jae is going on a date with Alice, if you are wondering how Seung Jae met his noona, just watch this episode to refresh your memories. ...
Ladies & Gentleman fasten your seatbelts a casanova is growing up :)) seung chukha Alice Ladies & Gentleman fasten your seatbelts a casanova is growing up :)) seung chukha Alice ...
You're just too good to be true I can't take my eyes off you You'd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much At long last love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off you & Yellow Umbrella scene is reminding...
Seung Jae wants baby & mommy dino's for children's day? Will his wishes come true another surprise is waiting for him? ...