Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Rerk Sanghan EP10 - Drama Platters ` Rerk Sanghan EP10 - Drama Platters `

Rerk Sanghan EP10

October 06, 2019

Autti is already on action, he keeps calling Atwini, she is panic mode. 

She even blocked him on FB to avoid him contacting her

I don’t think Autti is a type of a guy who gives up easliy 
 Maha asks Run if she is angry with him

she tells him she’s unsure.

Maha tells Run, he chose to work with her because he wanted to be close to her when he is working 

Maha explained what’s going on to Run and the catastrphe’s & she asked how’s it related to the women who was born on 02/08 (2nd August)

He asks him if she remmebers the strange murders of the women

he tells Run that their murders are to break the city’s star. (make P’Wee’s star stronger)

we got 2 more left. Fire & Air.

But their fortune has to enchance the fortune of the person performing the ritual

and then they predict to find an auspicious murder time.

Unfortunately Sareen is still skepitcal about this auspicous murders that are related to astrology

Autti is on the hunt for a new victim

Sareen and other officers are with grandma, they are making her to listen the voice recording of Autti, but the grandma said he’s not the guy who bought the fragrant water from her.

Grandma said she doesn’t know when will he come back to buy fragrant water but when he comes I’ll quickly call you

I knew that the grandma somehow know who Autti is 

that’s why I’m thinking Chinduang is in danger

7 years ago P’Wee & Autti, when Autti found the old grandma for P’Wee

P’Wee asked Autti if she’s still doing the fragrant water, he said no, he asked if he had offered money, he said yes but the lady refused and told him that she wanted to live in peace.   But P’Wee hit her and cause her to be blind 

can someone please take a razor and shave off Mos’s bushy brows, it’s been disturbing for so long

The grandma told Auitti that she’ll side with him even if he is a murderer,  and she made more fragrant water incase if he needs more and can’t come to see her because of the police.

And He kills the grandma, no witness left to tie Autti to grandma or shall I say to 

Fragrant Water, not only he killed the grandma he set the shed on fire.. 

Benjawan arrives at Maha’s house to tell about P’wee 

And the owner of the number Autti was looking for is 

Autti leaves home and his curious girlfriend follows him.  Girl haven’t you ever heard of curiosity kills the cat…  

This is chart is according to "Chinese Astrology” 

You can see why Chinduang became a police officer Libra “Lady Justice”

now the next victim is Chindunag, oh please no

Autti’s girlfriend calls him and asks him to have dinner, as it’s nearly her birthday 27th July.  
It’d be easier to kill his girlfriend as she knows too much

Autti is following Run and he got angry when he saw her with Maha 

She went to police station to talk to Sareen, she said I can only come here once, I might not be able to come here again. 

She passed him a paper, Sareen asked what’s this? Illegal casino, address of illegal imigrants, illegal factory ? what?

she asks if he belives in black magic & astrology (fortune telling) 

and the press friend of Maha got the address, I am afraid there’ll be another curiosity kills the cat moment on EP11..

Sareen’s inspector Sombat is giving info about the case to others and he asked to tell him what they are doing.    I knew it from the first moment when he tried to stop Sareen investigating the case.

Now Loook below.   WHO’S IN THE NEXT MEETING!!!

See you next time with The Sand Princess :)
