The Sand Princess EP3
October 06, 2019
We start EP3 Ji telling Kot that he wants to take care of her & Moji but he can’t. (He’s engaged with Aff, even if he doesn’t like her he can’t break the engagement because her father is supporting their business)
He is just so immature, doesn’t know how to take responsibility, yes Kot is not Moji’s mother but she’s been looking after Moji for 2-3 years and she’s in love with Ji, that’s why she has done all the things for him for 8-9 years.
I don’t know what to say If I was in Kot’s shoes I wouldn’t be able to do what she does, looking after a child that’s not her own, a child of a man that she loves made from a night stand.
Ki asks his secretary how much would it cost to hire you ro marry me, lol, I nearly chocked my tea at this scene
ahahahah she’s so cute :)
Ki asks do you think I can take care of a Kid?
His secretary replies
Basically you are not a kid person.
Reporters are camping infront of Ki’s company and the securtiy informed him that reporters are asking about the news?
The news about Ji having a secret child & wife and Ki seeing his ex now Ki’s fiance top model Aff.
Aff’s dad is asking for an explanation as he knows his daughter and he’s sure she set the paps up.
Aff’s dad warns Ki.
Ki promisses that will not happen again
He tells them that he already have a girlfriend, umm that’s a bit shokcing for everyone in the room
All the rumors will be gone when I got married, Hello I don’t remmeber Kot accepting to marry you !!!
You nailed it Ji…
Ji being Ji, tells Ki how can two brothers can have the wife ? lol. Just admit you love Kot and you don’t want her to see another man and ask her to marry you.
Ki wants people to think Kot is his wife & Moji is his daughter.
So you can be with Moji without taking attention
Ever since they were kids Ji always wanted what belongs to his brother
She agrees to marry him so Moji can be close to him but she has her conditions
You also need to take Moji out on your off days
She also adds I’ll charge you extra to be seen with you in social events and If you are not ok with this, this marriage is off
They agreed on terms and conditions lol
Ki asked her to move in with her? and she was shocked, you silly girl, you need to live together as a married couple lol
She asks am I gonna live here until I get old ? I give you 2 years
Well Ji is not happy about it
Ji’s answer was we are brothers how we share a wife? umm Ji let’s admit she’s not really your wife is she?
Ji doesn’t want Kot to marry Ki
Do you like my bro? hahah Ji the bad boy Ji, she’s in love with you for god knows how long
Not really the best way but the safe way
Ji is playing Moji card again
Naughty Ji breaks the news about Ki getting to his aunt, the aunt (Duangta Toongkamanee) by the way she’s most possibly one of my favourite Thai actresses
And ofcourse the aunt was shocked
Ji tells auntie that Kot is her friend but she’s works at night in a bar :))) (No Ji you haven't said that sort of stuff lol)
Ji is playing every single trick in his pocket to avoid Kot to marry Ki
Oh no Ji, we know you don’t want to lose her but this is not
Kot receives a phone call from Aunt in the morning.
Now the aunt is coming to see Kot & Moji lol
I love that how Ki was trying to support Kot
Aunt also told Kot that don’t you know people greet eachother with Sawsdee Ka
and then she said Sawsdee Ka, it’s from the stress she completly forgotten to greet the aunt , but her here is on his way to help
The look on Moji, Great Auntie why you giving that look to my mummy :)) I don’t know about you but I am in love with this little cute girl
thank heavens she didn’t ask for a DNA test lol otherwise both Kot, Ki & Ji were screwed :))
The expected question if she’s sure that Moji is Ki’s ?
That must embrassing for Kot hence she has not gone to bed with any bros nor with any other guy
that was harsh auntie, but in a way agreed
When Ki finally arrived saw her auntie playing with Moji
Aunt asks Ki how could you do this to me, I taught you to be a gentleman? (In regards to Moji, pregnanting a girl out of wedlock lol)
& the most foolish guy award goes to Ki by asking what did I do ?
Anxious Ji was waiting for his auntie, and when she came back home he asked how did go? but he got the answer which he was not expecting “There will be a wedding, the only thing left is finding the auspicous day to wed these two”
Poor little Ji, your plans didn’t work now what are you gonna do?

Ji is anxious and his friend asked him why are you even worried, your brother’s plan is perfect for you & Kot? But that’s not the issue, he doesn’t want to share Kot and he’s scared of losing her. It’s something he doesn’t wanna admit
Yeah Yeah we know that Ji. Moji being your daughter didn’t bothered you this much before. SO now what’s the problem? Suck it up, butter cup… You have no choice now. Unless if you admit Moji is yours..
his friend asks are you worried about Moji or Moji’s mother? lol. We all know the answer but he’s not gonna admit it.
Oh oh finally someone is trying to wake up Ji
excuses, excuses, never ending excuses but no admitting
Ji’s last attempt to change Kot’s mind before the wedding.
No girl, he’s not a hubby material
Ofcourse he does, but first he needs to admit and accept that he loves you… For now he’s not gonna admt nor accept this.
And the wedding of KK couple
Ki passes a handkerchief to Kot when he saw that she was teary, oh look at him, alreay in love with his fake wife

Ji looks stunning in peachy pink :) I was team Ki but I can always switch to team Ji if he always looks this stunning.

Mr. Sleepless in Bankgok is at the front door. That’s the end of Ep3.
I’ll see you soon with Ep4….
Are you watching this drama? What are your thoughts on this? Are you team Ji or team Ki?
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The Sand Princess
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