Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Rerk Sanghan EP9 - Drama Platters ` Rerk Sanghan EP9 - Drama Platters `

Rerk Sanghan EP9

October 04, 2019

We start Episode 9 with CSI Chingduang going to herbalists to find the exact fragrance she found on the victims body.

But she doesn’t give up and asks where can she find it? but she’s been told it’s very unique therefore it’s hard to find. 

But the herbalist thinks it’s a floral scent, so he tells to go to another shop that might have what she’s looking for. 

She went to the other shop, the lady said she smelled like this when she young, 

but nobody is selling it now

The woman said ingredients are hard to find 
It’s also hard to make it
Is it me or the woman was just shooing her, she seemed a bit rude / uncomfortable to me, so she asks if she knows the formula can she make it?

The lady said it’s hard and the produce is very precise, she said only an elder can do it. 

She told her that there’s someone who does it but she no longer does it,

She added someone else asked 2 years ago and she also recommended them to go to her, she’s not sure whether that person found the woman or not, she asked the address to find the lady. 

It’s time to introregate Autti, and he read Sareen’s name & surname, probably thinking his surname sounds familiar 

He asked your office recently held an event 

Why did you specifically chose Poranee? (the murder victim from the last episode the model)

he added that you told that your boss specifically asked for it but your boss had no idea?
Autti tells Sareen if I didn’t tell that the even’t organiser wouldn’t try to get her.. 
Such a thick faced man!!! 

During the introgation Autti has been asked how many mobile numbers does he have? 
he has his answers ready. Can’t excpect much out of him.   

Mos is doing such a good job that I almost hate him for portraying Autti

And the last question what were you doing and where were you on the night of the incident?

His answer is I was sleeping with my girlfriend, yeah that girl will be saying yes because he had already arranged it 

Round 1 Sareen vs Autti, for now it appears like Autti won this round

Our CSI lady is still investigating that fragarance 

That lady’s house looks like a witches house 

When the old lady didn’t answer for one second I thoght here we go, they have killed her way before Chinduang find her.  

But the old lady answered and asked what does she wants. 

Chinduang told her she’s here for the fragrant water, than the old lady said she stopped doing it for a long time, and she only have some for personal use. 

Chinduang told the old lady that she is not here to buy, that her friend was killed and that was on her body and the police can’t find the perpetrators yet. 

Sareen had no choice but to let Autti go...

The old lady asks how did her friend die?

Autti is on the phone with P’Wee and he throw a thread that the one who has most to lose is not me

You are right on there Autti 

Chingduang told the old lady how did Parenee died and she also added that Uncle Jareren  told her it’s some sort of a ritual

The lady said she doesn’t know. 
But the fragrant water she made was from the 9 auspicous flowers 

She did it the way they used it in the ancient times

This old lady knows more than she’s letting out 

She asks if she has given this frangrant to anyone? 

 Things are getting tighter, the old lady admits giving fragrant water to someone, she says she didn’t ask the names but she gave, I bet it was Autti, she only know it was 2 years ago .
it was two men and she was hit by a car and blinded (what are the chances the person or people who hit the lady is connected to P’Wee?) and it was her good luck that she met people who helpled out and she didn’t have to pay anything 

Uncle Jareren doesn’t look impressed, 

The old lady said she didn’t have any money but she only had the skills how to make the fragrant water, they wanted it so I made it for both of them. .

Chingduang wants to know what are those people going to use the fragrant water for?

Well I was right at my suspicions, it was Autti who got the fragrant water for P'Wee

So there were two men.  We know for sure one of them Is Autti

The lady adds that the other guy seemed like his boss. (Maybe P’Wee was actually accomponying Autti ) as she adds the fortune teller called him Sir. 

When Autti entered to his office, he’s been told that a police officer came to see him today.. 

Looks like someone’s stressed out..

The first things Autti did was searching for Sareen in the system

and through that, he reached out the details of his sister Run, there you go his next vicrim (the 4th), that way he thinks he can stop Sareen..  

And I am having troubles to clean after him

he’s right there, Autti is not the only fortune teller in Thailand but most possibly he’s the one willing to do the dirt to change his fortune

from what we saw via flashbacks was Autti’s gf the one who owns the restaurant was in involved with him from day 1, (she was not involved in the rituals but she knew about his fortune telling) Also we know how P’Wee and Autti met, to get to know eachother

Sareen is on Autti he asked his friends to search about him 
He has a clean back ground..
There’s one think we are sure about Sareen is he’s a good police man…

yes all the arrows are showing Utti 

They hanged out a poster during Benjawan’s speech to warn the women who was born on the specific day and warned them to stay away from strangers especially Fortune Tellers :)) 

P’Wee most defiantly knows that Benjawan is suspecting from him… 

Maha is trying to find out the date when will they murder the 3rd victim?

Autti is already on action, getting close to 3rd victim

 Maha is on TV warning women

Autti pretends like he is not hearing what Maha is talking about on TV

She tells him that she’s not scared of him but she has some stuff to do 

She tells Autti she’ll set another day to meet him
her phone was ready on her hand to dial 191 if she needed 

After litreally shooing Autti, she locks the door and you can see the anger on his face… 

So who will be the 3rd victim? 
Girlfried ? Chingduang ? or the flowershop owner? 
