Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Rerk Sanghan EP14 - Drama Platters ` Rerk Sanghan EP14 - Drama Platters `

Rerk Sanghan EP14

October 10, 2019

Rerk Sanghan EP14
Rerk Sanghan EP14

We start EP14 with a press conference. Sombat is showing 2 guys that they have arrested

Rerk Sanghan

Sareen is peeping through the window

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Sareen is waiting at Sombat's room

Out of all these things I thought this guy had learned his lessons

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But it appears like no.   Grab your evidence and share it with your trusted friends, for a change go and talk to Maha
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Sombat takes his gun and points it to Sareen

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Sareen has noticed a file under a bunch of files and push the files a bit to read the name

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He knows the file because it was the file his colleague wrongly stamped

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That's the document he gave to Damri

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Sombat keeps showing his gun to Sareen

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The conversation between Sombat & Sareen gets heated up

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Autti is working on natal charts again

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Looks like he has picked another candidate

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The auspicious date is getting closer

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Rerk Sanghan EP14

He is calling Run
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She doesn't answer his call and Autti is not happy about this

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Sareen is talking to this friends, most possibly about Autti and the murders

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Maha is in the temple discussing things

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P'Wee is having a meeting

It looks like something related with climate change 🤷🤷
(Pstt P'wee If the subject is about climate change, shall we call Greta 🤣🤣🤣🤣 )

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There are news about the protests in town

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Maha is at the hospital with his sister & mother

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Tbh Sister looks concerned to me,, it's all about P'Wee.

This girl still loves that evil man

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P'Wee and his gang is on to something again

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Now it's Autti's turn to speak

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The Police have cordoned the roads

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Two of Sareen's friends are giving him info about what's going on

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As soon they saw the car passing, they start to follow

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I was thinking that they'll be noticed through the rear mirrors

I thought Sareen might be blocking the car to stop it

but no

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This time Sareen started to follow

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Once again he's following the car on very close proximity

His friend took over the following

The gang has arrived to a hotel

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And the trio is also watching / keeping eye on the gang

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Rerk Sanghan EP14

Rerk Sanghan EP14.

Chingduang bumped into Uncle Charoen, well Autti & the gang is not around so I don't fear for her safety for now

Rerk Sanghan EP14

Oh damn I was wrong, Autti is following her

Rerk Sanghan

P'Wee & his gang is leaving the hotel

Rerk Sanghan EP14

Chingdunag find out what they inject to the girls

Snake Poisson!!!

Sorry I had to skip the scenes where they were looking at the photos of the snake!!

Rerk Sanghan

Maha is working on natal charts again

He's trying to figure things out with the chart of the city (where the next murder will take place)

Rerk Sanghan

bamm they figured it out

Rerk Sanghan

Rerk Sanghan EP14

Autti's girl friend is feeling something, there's something in the air

Rerk Sanghan

Maha is working again on the natal charts

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Wish I know what programme they are using here

Maha found a location on google maps
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Now the disaster is coming with the motor problem of the oil tanker

Rerk Sanghan

Maha's mother came to the hospital room to check her daughter but she's not in the room, and she doesn't appear to be in the rest rooms either, so she panics, don't tell me she went to see P'Wee

Maha called Run but he couldn't reach her, now he's messaging someone

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Rerk Sanghan

P'Wee is also there, of course wherever P'Wee is Autti is also there

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Finally Maha reached Run, but I can sense panic on Run

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For whatever Maha told Run, Run told to her friends and they screamed, that took P'Wee is attention and he turned his back to give them a look,  like what's going on. 

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everybody is reading Maha's post

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ALso checking this profile

Rerk Sanghan

One of P'Wee's aids to him what's going on and showed Maha's post

And We found the missing sister, she got the microphone to warn people about P'wee

I am afraid something sad is going to happen to her

SO hints for EP15

The air disaster will be happening on EP15, it means the info I got was wrong this lakorn won't have it's finale next week, maybe 2 more weeks to go
