` Hua Jai Teuan Review - Drama Platters `

Hua Jai Teuan Review

June 04, 2018

watch if you wanna drive yourself crazy, twisted .

****** Contains Spoilers*******

Park (Om) was mistreated by his stepfather (he doesn't even know that he's his step dad till he's an adult ) and he runs off from home thinking that his mother doesn't love him. 

Years later Amawasee meets Park when she was riding a horse, and he saved her,  Park buys the house (which the grandma already gave it to him by inheritance) but bec he's missing for over 15 yrs and the uncle is having financial problems the house is put on sale and Park buys his house..  

Amawasee knew that he's her P'Park despite his cold demeanor but Park refused to accept that he's P'Park, calling himself Raj Rutchapbumi now.

Then Amawasee was forced to marry his younger brother (actually her cousin) by her uncle. She agreed as a way to repay her uncle for raising her. 

Park kidnaps Ama, and tells her that she's in the middle of the forrest while she was in the corn farm, He told everyone that she's his wife, who ran off their own wedding and she has mental health problems. 

He obviously didn't want Ama to marry her cuz....

He blamed Amawasee as well for turning him into a cold and heartless person who has no family. 

When they were young Park asked Ama if she ran off with him if he rans off, but Ama was so young at the time, so Park ran off alone.   

He keeps pretending that he hates her and everyone..   

At the end she helps him to forgive.... 

No 2nd lead syndrome but Om is an alpha male here, we know that he loves the main lady since he was a child, but instead of confessing it the last minute how he really loves her, he pushes her to his best friend,,   Kwan is such a girl in this lakorn, she's always right, she knows better than anyone..   

both Om & Kwan makes you feel like pulling out your hair.... 

How about the ending, you really think if it's real or they died and the screen writer / scenarist is showing us an alternative reality 

As a great fan of Om I am asking why do they have to cast him to Alpha  male characters, bec he doesn't look like one of those Alpha male characters unlike Weir, Ken & Tik, 

I have watched this least 3 times and each time with fast forward motion...

I think the only thing I remmeber from this lakorn is the very first episode Park (Om) was riding a white horse and rescuing Amawasee (Kwan) when her horse gone wild, when he kidnapped her and came to this farm riding a white horse and he told everyone that she's his wife, 

Loads of subliminal messages here ( I'm going to take you to childhood and go back to fairy tales,  what type of horses does those fairy tale princes ride, A white horse, yes you got it, it means he's her prince,  Knight in Shining Armor lol)

it's such a slow drama that I nearly fall a sleep  watching this lakorn, 

Also there are scenes that are teasing slap kiss laorns, such as When  Park (Aom( tried to kiss Wan  one of the ladies Park hangs with witnessed this and said oh that's must be called slap & kiss lakorn lol  ( When I first started Thai Lakorns I was questioning what could be slap & kiss lol 

Park time to time makes his feelings obvious but the next minute he goes into freezer mode..   

2nd Amawasee (Kwan) is not a really developed grown up  lady.   

I don't know who plays the mother but she looks stunning & the step dad keeps reminding me #SongIlgook 

The ending was rushed not so happy about it.

If you like Om, you can ff & still watch it...

So it's both nice & also nerve wrecking lakorn 

While they guy hangs out & sleeps with as many women as possible, and yet he dares to talk about her virginity, using his friend, All he was thinking off was his revenge, which made his paternal ma to have a heart attack least twice, as he was constantly calling her names, upsetting her, and refusing his real identity, least his friend was clever enough to see they love each other.  Both of the leads were immature. And the ending was so fast, they got shot and the next minute, she is in bed wearing whites, the bed sheet was white, everything was white in the room,  Park (Om) was wearing a white shirt, which makes you to think they both died at the end, and this is the after life..   Twisted mentality 

#HuaJaiTeuan #akkaphannamart #aomakaphan #KwanUsamanee #KwanUsamaneeVaithayanon
