Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Prom Mai Dai Likit - Drama Platters ` Prom Mai Dai Likit - Drama Platters `

Prom Mai Dai Likit

December 13, 2018

Prom Mai Dai Likit

This is the long summary for you..

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a long nerve wrecking journey. We generally have a selfish, nars male lead but here it's quite the opposite. On screen chemistry between Bie & Esther is always great but this time Esther playing a girl who is so down to earth and a woman who doesn't believe in destiny.

Orachun / On is a spoiled businessman, On gets administered to the hospital Kade is working as a Nurse. He has a surgery and Kade is his night nurse. Kade took care of On, his family didn't stay with him at nights On being On he acted like a small child, refused to listen to nurses and as a result he needed another surgery, he only wanted Karakade to look after him, 

there are two girls who wants On so they do come by and create fuss in the hospital...
For On it was love at first sight to Karakade, however it took time for Karakade to fell in love.. It took her time to trust... As on the outside he's a playboy... 

Actually he's a loveless man child, finally Karakade lets her guards down, and accept her feelings while she was looking after On's sister who had witnessed her husband's cheat on her wedding day and got into a shock.

We do have Dr. Nip who is in love with her from day 1, he got injured while trying to protect Karakade from mines and goes blind Karakade feels guilty and thinks go worse from this stage, Karakade calls of her wedding with On, marries Nip out of guilt, after a while she understands that she's pregnant after marrying Nip..

Nip behaves horrible to Kade during the marriage, Nip thinks baby is his and looks after the baby till his eye surgery, and thinks go even more upside down after this.
Nip tortures Kade, he asks to be transferred to another hospital, by this time it's already been 4 years On is married to Cat who is a serial cheater, On was suspecting that Kat's baby is his from the day she gave birth and Nip out of anger goes to his office and tells this On, On goes to see his son, Kade is refusing etc..... Not revealing the ending yet, wait for my post with screen shots. 

Please bare with me, while I am preparing my detailed post for you..  

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