Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Drama Platters: Esther Supreeleela Drama Platters: Esther Supreeleela

Lakorns-Jap Dramas to watch During The Pandemic

Esther Supreeleela April 19, 2020
Ugly Duckling Perfect Match Ugly Duckling - Perfect Match  This is the first lakorn of the Series with Push & Mook, This was her 2nd role as main lead, from her rookie days.  Junita / Junior (Mook) is a girl who had face filler, after being called fat face, her skin had allergic reactions and her face gets covered with acne, All her...

Tur Keu Prom Likit EP7

Bie March 05, 2019
We see #Pawut is anxious for some reason, he's turning the bedside lamp on & off, #Wanida lying down and looking at his bedroom, Wanida has cravings and while she was looking for something to eat, she's been caught by Pawut, ...

Prom Mai Dai Likit

Bie Sukrit December 13, 2018
Prom Mai Dai Likit This is the long summary for you..   Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a long nerve wrecking journey. We generally have a selfish, nars male lead but here it's quite the opposite. On screen chemistry between Bie & Esther is always great but this time Esther playing a girl who is so down to earth and a woman...

Esther & Ken apology on their product reviews

Esther Supreeleela May 02, 2018
Not sure which product but now Esther & Ken joined the club for apologising on their product reviews Not sure which product but now Esther & Ken joined the club for apologising on their product reviews ...

Upcoming Thai Lakorns Part VI

Ball Jitpanu January 02, 2018
Pee Kaew Nang Hong ปี่แก้วนางหงส์ – Grate Warintorn & Bella Ranee Here comes the sun :) Grate's lakorn :)) 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 All I know that it's a horror, so I'm skipping it.  Sorry my love Grate.  ...

Prom Mai Dai Likit 2018

Bie December 15, 2017
Prom Mai Dai Likit 2018 yayyay Prom Mai Dai Likit 2018 another Esther & Bie lakorn will be coming soon hopefully.. ...

Tur Keu Prom Likit EP14 Recap

Bie November 15, 2017
#เธอคือพรหมลิขิต | EP.14 #TurKeuPromLikit ##TurKeuPromLikitEP14 #TurKeuPromLikitEP14RECAP #recap  Tur Keu Prom Likit EP14 Recap  Tur Keu Prom Likit EP14 Recap  OMG time flies, we're left with only 2 episodes, and I'm already upset.. That's the first time I'm feeling this for a Thai lakorn... so our #Pawut #Wanida couple seems to landed the same time, Pawut's secretary came to meet him & Daniel came...

Tur Keu Prom Likit

Bie September 25, 2017
#Bie is absolutely stunning with a tail coat here. I like men who wears tuxedo & long tail coat, proper  gentleman :) // ...