Hola, me gustaría presentarme, Mi nombre es Seung Jae y soy de Corea. Encantado de conocerlos a todos. Estoy aquí para la boda de mi tío ... ...
This week we had a chance to see Seung Jae is going on a date with Alice, if you are wondering how Seung Jae met his noona, just watch this episode to refresh your memories. ...
Ladies & Gentleman fasten your seatbelts a casanova is growing up :)) seung chukha Alice Ladies & Gentleman fasten your seatbelts a casanova is growing up :)) seung chukha Alice ...
You're just too good to be true I can't take my eyes off you You'd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much At long last love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off you & Yellow Umbrella scene is reminding...
Seung Jae wants baby & mommy dino's for children's day? Will his wishes come true another surprise is waiting for him? ...
Seung J & his piggy friend :)) #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 Seung J & his piggy friend :)) #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 ...
Ding Dong!! Here I come Seung Jae, I'm your new friend :) Piggy :)) #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/312494965769496 Drama Platters https://www.facebook.com/DramaPlatters/videos/609463469405976/ ...
I was Samchon #최수종 #CHOISOOJONG #崔秀宗 guest on live radio thank you for having me as guest, and grow up well Samchon :p #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용Stream Seung Jae live on Radio Broadcast 최수종CHOI SOO JONG 崔 秀 宗.m http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/312494965769496 Drama Platters ...
Seung Jae visits his ma to get a shot, and he's on strike he doesn't want to have a shot. Ahh SJ I know how you feel even us adults don't like injections :( It turned out to be appa's joke, he's going into routine health check, so he's 101.7 cm just a little shorter than average kids at his age (so normally...
Samchon #최수종 #CHOISOOJONG #崔秀宗 thank you for giving lollies, as a thank you I want to give you some crisps :)) Seung Jae the little prankster #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #TheReturnOfSuperman #슈퍼맨이돌아왔다 #ReturnOfSuperman #슈돌 #고고부자 ...
I was Samchon #최수종 #CHOISOOJONG #崔秀宗 guest on live radio thank you for having me as guest #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #TheReturnOfSuperman #슈퍼맨이돌아왔다 #ReturnOfSuperman #슈돌 #고고부자슈퍼맨이 ...
One of my favourite Seung Jae episodes :) After work, Appa takes Seung Jae for a meal as a treat :) He greets the customers in the restaurant, and ofcourse being a chatterbox he starts communicating :)) and drops the bomb by telling them that he used to go to School.. but now he’s an intern :D 진짜 jinjja u sure??...
KBS Presents #Sechskies Junior :)) #KoJiYong #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #KoSeungJae #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 ...