Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Drama Platters: 고승재 Drama Platters: 고승재

Seung Jae Mexico Adventures still going on

Go Ji Yong September 09, 2018

Seung Jae in Mexico

Go Ji Yong August 26, 2018
Hola, me gustaría presentarme, Mi nombre es Seung Jae y soy de Corea.  Encantado de conocerlos a todos.  Estoy aquí para la boda de mi tío ... ...

Dating in Seoul: Seung Jae & Alice

Go Ji Yong May 15, 2018

Someone has grown up, become a gentleman :)

Go Ji Yong May 13, 2018
 Ladies & Gentleman fasten your seatbelts a casanova is growing up :)) seung chukha Alice   Ladies & Gentleman fasten your seatbelts a casanova is growing up :)) seung chukha Alice  ...

Seung Jae dates with a pretty Noona :)

Go Ji Yong May 10, 2018
            You're just too good to be true  I can't take my eyes off you  You'd be like heaven to touch  I wanna hold you so much  At long last love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive  You're just too good to be true  Can't take my eyes off you &  Yellow Umbrella scene is reminding...

What does Seung Jae wants for Children's day?

Go Ji Yong May 09, 2018
Seung Jae wants baby & mommy dino's for children's day? Will his wishes come true another surprise is waiting for him? ...

Ko Seung Jae

Go Ji Yong May 05, 2018

Seung Jae @ Brachio Event

Go Ji Yong May 05, 2018

Seung Jae had a visit from Quinky

Go Seung Jae May 01, 2018
Now we now Why our little Seung Jae had a visit from Quinky..   ...

Seung Jae & Piggy Part II

Go Ji Yong April 26, 2018
Seung J & his piggy friend :)) #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 Seung J & his piggy friend :)) #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 ...

Ding Dong!! Who's visiting Seung Jae today?

Go Ji Yong April 26, 2018
Ding Dong!! Here I come Seung Jae, I'm your new friend :) Piggy :))  #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/312494965769496 Drama Platters https://www.facebook.com/DramaPlatters/videos/609463469405976/ ...

Seung Jae live @ Radio Broadcast

#지용 April 24, 2018
I was Samchon #최수종 #CHOISOOJONG #崔秀宗 guest on live radio thank you for having me as guest, and grow up well Samchon :p   #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용Stream Seung Jae live on Radio Broadcast 최수종CHOI SOO JONG 崔 秀 宗.m http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/312494965769496 Drama Platters ...

Seung Jae's Hospital Visit & Romantic Surprise to Mommy

#지용 April 24, 2018
Seung Jae visits his ma to get a shot, and he's on strike he doesn't want to have a shot. Ahh SJ I know how you feel even us adults don't like injections :( It turned out to be appa's joke, he's going into routine health check, so he's 101.7 cm just a little shorter than average kids at his age (so normally...

Samchon 최수종 CHOISOOJONG & Seung Jae

#崔秀宗 April 23, 2018
Samchon #최수종 #CHOISOOJONG #崔秀宗  thank you for giving lollies, as a thank you I want to give you some crisps :)) Seung Jae the little prankster #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #TheReturnOfSuperman #슈퍼맨이돌아왔다 #ReturnOfSuperman #슈돌 #고고부자 ...

Seung Jae live on Radio Broadcast

#崔秀宗 April 23, 2018
I was Samchon #최수종 #CHOISOOJONG #崔秀宗 guest on live radio thank you for having me as guest #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangim #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #TheReturnOfSuperman #슈퍼맨이돌아왔다 #ReturnOfSuperman #슈돌 #고고부자슈퍼맨이 ...

Seung Jae I used to go to School..

Go Ji Yong April 20, 2018
    One of my favourite Seung Jae episodes :) After work, Appa takes Seung Jae for a meal as a treat :) He greets the customers in the restaurant, and ofcourse being a chatterbox he starts communicating :)) and drops the bomb by telling them that he used to go to School.. but now he’s an intern :D 진짜 jinjja u sure??...

KBS Presents Sechskies Junior

#지용 April 19, 2018
KBS Presents #Sechskies Junior :)) #KoJiYong #고지용 #JiYong #지용 #KoSeungJae #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 ...

Seung Jae I Believe I can Fly

Go Ji Yong April 17, 2018
In this part we'll see that Seung Jae's dream has come true.... He always wanted to fly " I believe I can fly" comes to our little super star Thank you appa for making my dreams to come true :) #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangIm #JiYong #지용 #고승재 In this part we'll see that Seung Jae's dream has come true.......

Let's eat food and play :)

#지용 April 17, 2018
Let's eat food and play :) this boy has a big appetite :P #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangIm #JiYong #지용 #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 Let's eat food and play :) this boy has a big appetite :P #KoJiYong #Sechskies #GoJiYong #고지용 #GoSeungJae #KoSeungJae #고승재 #HurYangIm #JiYong #지용 #고승재 #SeungJae #승재 ...

I'm a SuperStar :)

BTS April 17, 2018
Dear #EXO #SuperJunior #GDragon #BTS #CNBLUE sorry to say but your throne is about to be taken over, Seung Jae already has got his own fan base at the age of 4 :) in about 12 years we'll be able to see him on stage...   ...