Drama Platters-A Plate of Asian Dramas Drama Platters: Stay With Me Drama Platters: Stay With Me

Upcoming Dramas for 2017 Part I

2017 Dramas November 30, 2016
Sorry for being absent for a long time, but follow me on twitter @makeuptemple, I also tweet about the dramas I am watching Today I decided to post about the upcoming C dramas starting from  December 2016 and 2017  The first 5 dramas will air starting from December 2016 and the others will follow on 2017 K dramas will be in the next...

Stay With Me

Chinese October 04, 2016
After an accidental drowning, Li Wei Wei a famous fashion designer loses parts of her memory. Whereby her memories stop at when she was 23.  The boyfriend she remembers has now become her ex and rival, and instead a stranger is her fiancé. Li Wei Wei does not believe that she broke up with her ex Chen Yi Du and investigates the reason...